Some people really let their creativity shine in Animal Crossing New Horizons. The game allows for some serious customization in many different aspects, especially when it comes to interior design. We’ve seen some houses in this game that put our actual real-life houses to shame. Here are some of the coolest Animal Crossing New Horizons living rooms we’ve seen so far. Maybe these will give you some inspiration when it comes to designing your own rooms.
Animal Crossing New Horizons Living Room Designs
We searched far and wide for the most amazing looking living room designs we could find in Animal Crossing New Horizons. Some of these players must hold degrees in interior design because they create some stunning looking rooms. Like this first Modern living room for instance. It honestly looks like something out of The Sims.
ACNH Modern Living Room
This living room features the White Den Desk, Upright Locker, Fishing Tournament Poster, Leo Sculpture, and other basic furniture.

ACNH Living Room
The next living room on our list might remind you of something out of an IKEA catalog. This one features Log Decorative Shelves, Box Sofas utilizing the corner piece, and a custom design pattern. Other little items like the Switch were bought from the Nook Shopping special goods section.
- Custom design code: MO-X208-06G3-V3W2

ACNH Living Room 3
Here’s another living room with a great vibe to it. The creator utilizes sectional box couches to create a full look. Many of the other items like the fireplace are purchasable.

ACNH Living Room 4
The next design comes from a Twitter user who creates amazingly cute kitchens and living rooms for her island.

ANCH Living Room 5
Here’s another Twitter user who gave the world a tour of her Animal Crossing New Horizons house.

Fancy Living Room
Add one more living room for the list. This one looks like the living room of an eccentric rich person. The windows are made from wallpaper, which are the Cafe-Curtain Walls from Saharah.

Ironwood Living Room and Kitchen
This living room and kitchen utilize a lot of the Ironwood Furniture Set recipes. These can be hard to come by, but if you manage to find them all you can create some really nice looking kitchens. Both rooms look very cozy, and we have to compliment the designer on their abilities.

Farmhouse Breezy Living Room
Here’s a living room with a farmhouse vibe to it. Clearly, the Twitter user who designed this has some amazing talent when it comes to designing rooms.

If you want to see some kitchens, check out our collection of best Animal Crossing New Horizons kitchens.
Published: May 11, 2020 06:34 pm