I used to work for a company that had like, two backup offices in case one needed to close for whatever reason. No one liked the backup offices because they were cramped and overpopulated and the snack machine was in a weird place and- well, you get the idea. Point is, when you have a job, even one like Death’s in Have a Nice Death, you prefer to do it in particular places. So, which platforms is Have a Nice Death coming to?
All Platforms for Have a Nice Death Explained – Is It Coming to PC, Switch, PlayStation, Or Xbox?
Have a Nice Death will launch on March 21, 2023 for the Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam. The game has been in Early Access on Steam for about a year now and has shaped up quite nicely, sharpening its mechanics and tweaking its graphics to create an ideal roguelite action sidescroller experience.
In addition, following a period of testing during Early Access, the developers are planning on having Have a Nice Death be fully Steam Deck compatible at launch. You can technically run the Early Access version on Steam Deck right now, though it’s not completely stable just yet.
Will Have a Nice Death Come to Other Platforms?
At the time of writing, the developers have not confirmed any additional platforms beyond Steam and Switch. While they do have Gearbox’s backing for this game, Magic Design Studios is a fairly young development team, with only one other game under their belt, so they may not be able to go for an all-encompassing multiplatform release right off the bat.
That said, their last game, Unruly Heroes, did eventually make it to all the major platforms, so if Have a Nice Death performs well at launch, we may see ports later down the line. For the time being, though, if you want to experience Death Inc. for yourself, you can only do it on two platforms. Beats having to work at the backup office, though.
While we’re on the subject of platform shenanigans, check out our Q&As on whether Enter the Gungeon and Dead by Daylight are crossplay compatible. Visit our Facebook page as well for the latest news and guides.
Published: Mar 10, 2023 11:40 am