Now that you have your iconic and legendary weapons sorted out, it’s time to take a look at the best clothing options Night City has to offer. There are over twenty different legendary and iconic clothing items in Cyberpunk 2077 to choose from, and some of them grant some fantastic stats. In this guide, we’ll look at each item and provide a short walkthrough on where to find them.
There’s a chance some of these items may have different stats and rarities when you find them. A couple of clothing pieces can show up as epics instead of legendaries, so it’s all up to chance. Some are also missable, like the Samurai 2020 Tour T-Shirt. However, you can go out and find most of these on your own with no prerequisites.
All Legendary and Iconic Clothing in Cyberpunk 2077
Here’s a list of legendary and iconic clothing in Cyberpunk 2077:
Legendary Clothing
- Head
- Shoes
- Face
- Shirts
- Legs
- Torso
Iconic Clothing
Blooming Amber Bandana
Blooming Amber Bandana is found during the side gig called “On A Tight Leash.” You’ll explore a building in the Wellsprings area of the Heywood district. There’s only a small chance for this item to be legendary, so you’ll likely find an Epic version of it. Legendary Blooming Amber Bandana provides these stats:
- Increases Max Oxygen by 5
- Increases Crit Damage by 30%

Cushioned Techie Baseball Cap
You can find the Cushioned Techie Baseball Cap in a basement behind one of the trailers in the Badlands Trailer Park. Fast travel to Rocky Ridge area to get here quickly. Refer to the map below for the exact location. The Cushioned Techie Baseball Cap provides the following stats:
- 11.50% Bonus Damage Against High-Threat Enemies
- 11.50% Bonus Damage Against Moderate-Threat Enemies

Media Baseball Cap With Reactive Layer
There’s an old metal structure, what appears to be an old abandoned control tower, at the regional airport in the Badlands. Climb to the top to find a bag containing the Media Baseball Cap With Reactive Layer. The legendary headpiece has the following stats:
- +15% Crit Chance
- 5 Oxygen

Cushioned Aramid-Sole Techie Shoes
Behind Corpo Plaza in City Center, there’s a metal door that requires 5 Technical Ability to open. Go inside, and you’ll find a body with Cushioned Aramid-Sole Techie Shoes. These can roll the following stats:
- 5 Fall Damage Reduction
- 10 Movement Speed
- -6 Stamina Cost Reduction While Attacking

Waterproof Badge Combat Boots
Head to the southeast side of Rancho Coronado, from the Rancho Coronado East fast travel point. You’ll see a cop’s body on one of the roofs, with two pairs of Waterproof badge Combat Boots. They have the following stats:
- 13 Fall Damage Reduction
- -5 Stamina Cost Reduction While Attacking
- Increased Armor

Elastiweave Fixer Shoes With Reinforced Seams
In the Japantown area of the Westbrook district, you’ll find a ramp to an underground parking garage. There’s a blue van crashed into the wall on the ramp, and the body in the front seat has the Elastiweave Fixer Shoes With Reinforced Seams on him. They have the following stats:
- 5 Fall Damage reduction
- Reduces fall damage by 5%

Gold-Tipped Manganese Steel Solo Boots
There’s a pair of boots on the third floor of the Kabuki Market area in Watson. Start from the street level, and make your way down the steps into the market. Make a left, and take the elevator up to the third floor. Look for a crate at the first food stand you come across on that floor. These boots can have the following stats:
- 10 Movement Speed
- Increases Movement Speed by 10

Worn Spunky Monkey Kicks
These are a random world find, and provide some of the highest movement speed in the game. I’ll update you when I figure out the exact location.

Tactical Hybrid-Glass Corporate Glasses
Head to the Fuel Station fast travel point south of Night City. Follow the road south, and head to the area shown on the map below. There’s a blue shipping container, and inside you’ll find a body with Tactical Hybrid-Glass Corporate Glasses. The item can roll epic, and legendary version has the following stats:
- Increases Armor by 25

Holo-Tinted Badge Goggles
Head to the Martin Street fast travel point in Northside Watson, and head west down the main road. Turn right on Goldsmith Street, and then left down the next alleyway. Hang left, bypassing the rat gathering, and you’ll find a cop’s body with the Holo-Tinted Badge Goggles. There’s also an Epic Omaha Pistol on the other body. This item can roll the following stats:
- Increases Armor by 17

Scratch-Resistant Polarized Rocker Aviators
In the central area of Rancho Coronado, Santo Domingo, you’ll see an abandoned supermarket below an overpass. Around the backside of the building, there’s a body lying against a mattress. You can find the Scratch-Resistant Polarized Rocker aviators on the body. The glasses have a quote from Kerry Eurodyne in the description, so there’s a chance they belonged to him. They can have the following stats:
- 11.50 Oxygen
- Mod: Increases max Oxygen by 11.5
- Mod: Increases Armor by 9.275
- Mod: Increases max Oxygen by 11.5

Armored Media Ocuset With Camera
Fast travel to the Regional Airport location, and head southwest. There’s an abandoned trailer alongside the east side of the road. Head inside, and you’ll see the Armored Media Ocuset With Camera inside a box. These can have the following stats:
- +5% Bonus Damage Against High-Threat Enemies
- +5% Bonus Damage Against Moderate-Threat Enemies
- Mod: Increases damage against enemies with Moderate and High threat levels by 5%

Polycarbonate Nomad Shirt with Reinforced Seams
Start at the Regional Airport fast travel point again, but this time head southeast. On the south side of the road, you’ll see an abandoned van in the middle of the desert. There’s a body next to it with the Polycarbonate Nomad Shirt With Reinforced Seams. Make sure to pick up the Handguns Progression Shard, as well. This legendary item can have the following stats:
- +10 Carrying Capacity
- Mod: Increases Carrying Capacity by 10
- Mod: Increases Carrying Capacity by 10

Ultrathin Composite-Print Solo Shirt
Start at the Old Turbines fast travel point in eastern Badlands, and continue east. You’ll come to what appears to be the scene of a deal gone wrong. There’s two corpses with lots of eddies, and an Ultrathin Composite-Print Solo Shirt, among other things. The shirt can have the following stats:
- 0.2 Evasion
- 5 Block Damage Reduction
- Mod: Reduces Stamina consumption when blocking melee attacks by 5%
- Increases Evasion by 0.2

Thermoactive Tear-Resistant Techie Shirt
The next item is in the same shipping container where you find the Caliburn vehicle. To get there, follow the road north of the Rocky Bridge fast travel point. There’s a road that goes west and ends on the map, but if you follow it, it takes you through a tunnel that cuts under a mountain. You’ll find the crate in there. This legendary item can roll the following stats:
- 5 Explosion Damage Reduction
- Mod: Reduces damage from explosions by 5%

Samurai 2020 Tour T-Shirt
Start by heading to the Cherry Blossom Market fast travel point in Westbrook, Japantown. A vendor named Karim specializes in vintage music stuff, and he’s got a lot of Samurai gear. One of the items he has is the Samurai 2020 Tour T-Shirt for about 13,000 eddies. It’s an instant grab, as it has four empty mod slots. You can only buy this shirt while you’re on the side gig called, “The Ballad of Buck Ravers.”

Amethyspeed Polycarbonate Utility Pants
These Legendary utility pants are likely found during one of the various side gigs in Night City. We will update this section when we find the exact known location. Here are their stats:
- +5 Carrying Capacity
- 13 Movement Speed
- Increases movement speed by 13
- Increases carrying capacity by 5

Dura-Membrane Netrunner Pants
Go to the Martin Street fast travel point in Northside, Watson. Head north on the street, and look for the tall spherical towers. Locate the one shown on the map below, which has a yellow bike at the bottom of the stairs. There’s a laptop up top, with a body next to it, and that’s where you can find the Dura-Membrane Netrunner Pants. These legendary pants can have the following stats:
- 10 Movement Speed
- Mod: Increases Movement Speed by 10

Protective-Layer Fixer Skirt or Pants
Head to the Megabuilding H8 fast travel point in Japantown, Westbrook. From there, find the stairs leading down to Jig Jig Street (where you’ll find Joytoys). Above the entrance sign, there are some rooftops. If you don’t have double jump, go into the ally on the left. Jump up onto the dumpster, climb up the catwalk and enter the small shack on the roof to find a body with the Protective-Layer Fixer Skirt (female) or pants (male). These can have the following stats:
- -12 Stamina Cost Reduction While Attacking
- Mod: Reduces the Stamina Cost of Melee Attacks by -12%
- Mod: Reduces the Stamina Cost of Melee Attacks by -12%

Breathable Reinforced Bio-Cotton Corporate Slacks
Head to the Ebunike Docks location in Northside, Watson. Make your way north along the road, and you’ll come to an abandoned warehouse. In the parking lot, there’s a six-wheel car with a body next to it. You’ll find some money, grenades, and the Breathable Reinforced Bio-Cotton Corporate Slacks there. The item can have these stats:
- 8 Fall Damage Reduction
- 20 Movement Speed
- Mod: Reduces fall damage by 8%
- Mod: Increases movement speed by 20
- Mod: Increases movement speed by 20

Arasaka Polycarbonate-Laced Bulletproof Aramid Vest
The Arasaka Polycarbonate-Laced Bulletproof Aramid Vest drops by Oda during the “Play It Safe” quest.

Reinforced Composite-lined Rocker Foldtop
Start at the Bellevue Overwalk waypoint in Kabuki, Watson, and head south. Almost immediately to your right, you’ll see some stairs leading to another overwalk. Head up the stairs and you’ll see a body containing the Reinforced Composite-Lined Rocker Foldtop (Female) or Duolayer Polyamide Rocker Vest (Male). It can have these stats:
- Mod: Increases Armor by 26
- Mod: Increases Armor by 26

Corporate Blazer with Bulletproof Lining
Head to the Northside area of the Watson district. Up north, near the huge Steam Stacks, there’s a couple of rundown trailers. If you’re coming from the street, there’s a Barely Illegal neon sign out front. Hop the fence and look for the body near the freshly blown up car. You’ll find the Corporate Blazer with Bulletproof Lining there. It can have these stats:
- 0.20 Evasion
- 5 Explosion Damage Reduction
- Mod: Increases Evasion by 0.2
- Mod: Reduces damage from explosions by 5%.

Duolayer Microplate-Mesh Nomad Jacket
Head to the Fuel Station fast travel station south of Night City. Continue south along the road, and you’ll see a small trailer in the middle of one of the lots. There’s a bunker underneath it, but you’ll need 13 Body attribute to unlock it. Once you’re in, you can find a Duolayer Microplate-Mesh Nomad Jacket from a body. There’s a ton of booze, ammo, and other supplies in the bunker as well. The item has these stats:
- 10 Explosion Damage Reduction
- 5 Damage Over Time Reduction
- Mod: Reduces damage from explosions by 10%
- Mod: Reduces damage from negative status effects by 5%
- Mod: Reduces damage from explosions by 10%

Trilayer Aramid-Weave Fixer Coat
Head to the Kendall Park fast travel point at Rancho Coronado, Santo Domingo. Cross the street to the old abandoned carnival grounds, and look for the broken down ferris wheel. Next to one of the pods, you’ll see a body with a stash of euros. Loot the body for your Trilayer Aramid-Weave Fixer Coat (male) or Skirt with Jacket (female). It can have these stats:
- 5 Explosion Damage Reduction
- 5 Damage Over Time Reduction
- Mod: Increases Armor by 7
- Mod: Reduces damage from negative status effects by 5%
- Mod: Reduces damage from explosions by 5%

Now that you’ve seen all the Legendary clothing items in Cyberpunk 2077, it’s time for the Iconic items. At the moment, there is only one Iconic set, which is all Johnny Silverhand’s old gear. You pick them up here and there throughout the main story.
Johnny’s Aviators
You can find Johnny’s Aviators during the “Chippin’ In” job with Rogue, from The Afterlife. They’re not the best item, but you’ll probably want to grab them to get the full set.

Replica of Johnny’s Samurai Jacket
Here’s another item given to you during the “Chippin’ In” job. The original jacket is no more, so Rogue made this replica instead. The stats on this are actually pretty amazing, considering the +30% Crit Chance.

Johnny’s Tank Top
The final piece of Johnny’s gear you get from the “Chippin’ In” job is the Tank Top. You’ll get Johnny’s Tank Top during the quest, like the other two previous items.

Johnny’s Pants
Johnny’s Pants in a crazy fan’s bedroom. You have the opportunity to grab them during the Psychofan mission when go up to an apartment to steal Kerry Eurodyne’s guitar.

Johnny’s Shoes
You can pick up Johnny’s Shoes from the side gig called “Family Heirlooms.” It’s possible to miss them, but you probably won’t since the quest leads you right to it.

Those are all the Iconic and Legendary clothing items in Cyberpunk 2077 that we have collected for now. We’ll update this section as we discover more, and as more content comes to the game.
Published: Dec 23, 2020 02:00 am