Everybody loves Gordo slimes in Slime Rancher and Slime Rancher 2. Not only are they adorably fat and squishy, but they also provide many benefits and rewards when utilized correctly! Gordo slimes can unlock access to valuable teleporters, drop numerous other regular slimes, and can even open up areas that would otherwise be inaccessible! There’s no doubt that Gordo slimes are valuable in Slime Rancher 2, but trying to find them can be extremely difficult if you don’t have a guide. Thankfully, this guide gives you all the information you need to hunt down all of the Gordo slime locations in Slime Rancher 2!
All Gordo Slime Locations in Slime Rancher 2
Slime Rancher 2 is still very much in the early stages of release, so this list is not fully complete yet. As more locations for these lovable fat slimes are revealed, this list will be updated to include new slime locations!
All Gordo Slime Locations – Rainbow Fields

Cotton Gordo Slime
Everyone loves the cotton slimes in Slime Rancher 2! They look like little round bunnies, and they’re super easy to care for! They’re also super easy to locate in Rainbow Island, just like the Cotton Gordo. The Cotton Gordo can be found in the depths of the southwestern portion of Rainbow Island.
From The Conservatory, walk south and just keep going (yes, it’s that easy)! This Gordo slime is hard to miss, he’s very easy to find once you’re in the southwestern portion of Rainbow Island (use your map!). Feed it any vegetables you have on hand (and a lot of them) to defeat it!
Pink Gordo Slime
The pink slimes are the most common slimes in Slime Rancher 2, and are easily some of the cutest! These slimes are so simple yet so happy to be alive; it’s impossible not to feel better when you’re surrounded by pink slimes! The Pink Gordo slimes are just as cute as their tiny counterparts, just chubbier!
If you want to find the Pink Gordo in Slime Rancher 2, head to the northwestern portion of Rainbow Fields. From The Conservatory, start walking west through the Rainbow Fields, and check your map. Once you reach the Refinery Transfer icon on your map, start walking north until you find the Pink Gordo (he’s not hard to miss, I promise!). You can feed him any food you have on hand to defeat him, he isn’t picky!
Phosphor Gordo Slime
Phosphor slimes are some of the coolest slimes in Slime Rancher 2, they’re like lightning bugs mixed with garden slugs and they’re just so squishy and cute! If Phosphor slimes existed in real life, there wouldn’t be a single person alive who wouldn’t want one as a pet (me included!). Thankfully, the Phosphor Gordo slime is very easy to find in the middle of Rainbow Island!
To find the Phosphor Gordo, start walking south from The Conservatory. Keep walking until you find a ramp, it should be near the water (if you don’t see the ramp right away, just keep searching around the water until you find it). Head down this ramp and walk along the path until you come to a cave, the Phosphor Gordo should be located inside. Once you find the Phosphor Gordo, feed it any fruit you have on hand to defeat it.
Related: What to Do with Gordos in Slime Rancher 2
All Gordo Slime Locations – Starlight Strand

Hunter Gordo Slime
For whatever reason, Hunter Gordo slimes are just some of the cutest Gordo slimes in Slime Rancher 2. Even if this Gordo slime didn’t offer some amazing rewards, it would be worth hunting him down (no pun intended) just to see how adorable he is. Thankfully, the Hunter Gordo isn’t too hard to find in Slime Rancher 2.
If you want to find the Hunter Gordo in Slime Rancher 2, you’ll need to have the Starlight Strand region unlocked first. Once you’re able to explore the area, enter Starlight Strand and start walking south. Eventually, you’ll come to a field full of (adorable) Feral Rock-Pink slimes. Search this area until you find a small path, and then along it until you find the magnificent Hunter Gordo! To defeat him, feed him any meat you have on hand!
Honey Gordo Slime
Not only do Honey slimes have the cutest-sounding names in the game, but they’re also some of the most adorable slimes in Slime Rancher 2, especially the Gordos! Thankfully, finding these syrupy, massive Gordo slimes in Starlight Strand takes no time at all!
South of Starlight Strand’s portal, there should be a forest pathway. Walk along this pathway until you begin to come across lots of Honey slimes (this shouldn’t take long at all). Explore the wooded area until you come across a portion that looks like a coral reef; after you come across this area, use your jetpack to fly up onto the stone arch nearby. From here, you should find the Honey Gordo. Feed him lots of fruit to defeat him!
Flutter Gordo Slime
Flutter slimes will always be some of the cutest slimes in Slime Rancher 2. Who wouldn’t want a squishy little friend that looks like a cross between a butterfly and a jelly bean?? Thankfully, you won’t have too much trouble finding these Gordo slimes in the Starlight Strand.
Once you head into Starlight Strand, walk to the southernmost part of the area. In the center of the southern part of the Starlight Strand area, you should be able to clearly see the Flutter Gordo sitting directly in front of a cracked door with light spilling out of it. You’ll need to feed this Gordo Moondew Nectar to defeat it, which can’t be farmed, so you’ll need to wander around the area a bit to collect as much as you can!
Angler Gordo Slime
These bright little babies are adorable; who knew a chubbier, slimier version of an angler fish could be so cute?? Thankfully, catching one of these big, squishy gordo slimes isn’t too difficult in Slime Rancher 2. All you need to do to catch an Angler gordo is travel to the Starlight Strand portion of the map, and head to the far south-eastern part of it.
From there, you’ll need to go to the beach area, where you’ll find a lone cave nestled in the sands. Head inside the cave and explore around a bit; finding the Angler gordo is almost too easy once you’re inside the cave. After you’ve found the Angler gordo, just feed him a mountain of meat to defeat him!
All Gordo Slime Locations – Ember Valley

Rock Gordo Slime
This hefty guy is the perfect combination of squishy and spiky; the rocky spikes on top of his head almost look like spiky hair! Rock Gordos are slimes that existed well before Slime Rancher 2 in the original game, Slime Rancher. This big guy has been a fan favorite in the community for a long time, so it’s a good thing he’s not too hard to find in Slime Rancher 2!
This hefty guy is going to be located in Ember Valley, so make sure you’ve got this area unlocked (and have a Jetpack) before you go hunting this guy down. Through the Rainbow Fields, head towards Ember Valley and keep walking west. There should be multiple rock formations the further you travel into Ember Valley, start climbing them and look for a cave. Once you’ve found the cave, go inside it and you should find yourself in a room with a few statues.
Throw 3 Bloom plorts into the statues and the next room should then open up to you; the next room has a large pillar in it, use the spout of water to hop onto the pillar and then fly the rest of the way up to locate the Rock Gordo. Once you find him, feed him plenty of vegetables to defeat him!
Batty Gordo Slime
Who doesn’t love the Batty slimes?? They’re adorable and tiny, and their little wings are just too cute not to fall in love with. Batty Gordo slimes are just as, if not more, adorable as their tiny Batty peers; thankfully, Batty Gordos aren’t too difficult to find in Slime Rancher 2, but you will need to some dangerous spelunking to find these adorable slimes.
From Rainbow Fields, head to Ember Valley on your map. While looking at your map, head to the middle of Ember Valley, until you come across numerous caves/Batty slimes. While in the middle of Ember Valley, you should find a large cave that leads into a volcanic chamber; the cave should be full of Boom slimes, Crystal slimes, and plenty of lava, so be careful! Explore the cave until you come to the bottom chamber, where the Batty Gordo will be waiting. Feed him plenty of fruit to defeat him!

If you love playing Slime Rancher 2 but never completed its predecessor, check out GamerJournalist’s dozens of helpful guides on the original Slime Rancher game!
Published: Sep 22, 2022 11:35 pm