Choo Choo Charles may have started out as a simple meme game, but no one can deny the monolithic monstrosity of horror that it’s become since its release. Even if you didn’t go out of your way to play the game yourself, there’s no way you haven’t heard about it by now; Choo Choo Charles is the meme horror game that we never knew we needed!
Demonic spider trains from hell aren’t the only things you’ll find in Choo Choo Charles! This game is littered with easter eggs! Some of these easter eggs are a lot easier to find than others, but all of them are worth tracking down. Keep reading for a full list of all the easter eggs in Choo Choo Charles!
All Easter Eggs in Choo Choo Charles
Slenderman: The Eight Pages
In Choo Choo Charles, there is an NPC named Sasha who provides a side quest that fans of Slenderman: The Eight Pages should be very familiar with. Sasha is an extremely superstitious NPC that, once you talk to her, will task you with collecting eight pages in the field by her home.
Not only are you collecting eight pages (with spooky drawings on them, no less) from a spooky forest, but you’re also running from a ghostly entity that grows increasingly agitated with every page that you collect. Even if you’re not a fan of Slenderman: The Eight Pages, the similarities between the two games are too uncanny to not be immediately recognizable.
The Duck
This one has to be one of the most well-known easter eggs that has been found in Choo Choo Charles so far! In the Northwest corner of the map, floating innocently in the water, is a giant, yellow rubber duck. The cause of this duck is unknown, and its presence is not acknowledged by anyone (or anything) in the game.
It’s safe to assume this rubber duck was simply added to the game by the developer, Two Star Games, as a joke (which is always appreciated in horror games!). You’re not able to reach the duck by land or even by water, but you can get a good look at him if you gaze out into the water in the Northwest portion of the map.
Rock Piles
While exploring the game’s treacherous landscape, you may have noticed some strange rock formations haphazardly placed around the map. These rock formations seemingly serve no purpose in the game, but they are there for a reason. These rock formations may serve no in-game purpose, but each rock pile is dedicated to a real-life person.
As you may have already known, Choo Choo Charles was developed by a single person. This developer, who goes by Two Star Games, streamed as much of the game’s development process as he could on Twitch. For every person that subscribed to him and supported the game’s development, he added a pile of rocks to the game in their honor. A pile of rocks may not seem like much of a reward, but keep in mind that most game developers don’t add anything in their games to honor their supporters.
The Dolls
In the Northeast portion of the map, there’s a small stretch of land that is completely saturated with decaying dolls. There are dolls everywhere; there are dolls on the ground, there are dolls hanging from trees, and there are even dolls that have been stabbed into tree trunks with large metal stakes.
This area is honestly a terrifying nightmare realm that not even Annabelle would want to partake in. The dolls, like the giant duck, are not acknowledged by anyone in the game, and their presence is never explained. This haunted doll graveyard is, apparently, just an incredibly creepy easter egg location that the developer thought the game needed, as if the game wasn’t creepy enough already.

The Guy That Didn’t Get Very Far
In Choo Choo Charles, we can learn through context clues and from talking to NPCs that although there was a large-scale evacuation of the island, not everyone made it off in time. Some people were left behind, and those that weren’t immediately killed as a result either went into hiding or tried desperately to find their own way off the island.
On one of the island’s docks, there is a note left by one of the island’s original residents. This note expresses an unnamed man’s desperate desire to “swim to the mainland” to escape Charles’s deadly grip, or “to at least try”. If you look out into the water just a few feet from the note, you can see a male, lifeless body floating face down in the water. We can safely assume that this is the same man who wrote the note, though it’s not completely confirmed. If it is indeed the same man who wrote the note, however, it’s obvious that he didn’t really get very far.
Cultist Mask Room
You’ve probably noticed the creepy Charles masks that the cultists wear in the game, but you probably didn’t think too hard about where these masks came from. Although it’s never revealed why these masks were created or what purpose they truly serve (although it’s assumed they serve as camouflage from Charles), we do know where they’re kept when they’re not being used.
In Choo Choo Charles, there’s a storage room that can be found by exploring one of the barracks used by the cultists. This storage room doesn’t contain brooms or cleaning supplies, however; the only things that are being stored in this particular storage room are masks of Charles’s face. There are at least five terrifying variations of Charles’s face that can be found hanging in this location, which is definitely a grisly discovery to make if you stumble across this room by accident.
“You Are Not Supposed to Be Here”
In the Northeast portion of the map, there is a cabin with a secret message inside. Most players will never get to actually see this message, as it’s only meant to be seen by those who cheat. This secret message, left by the developer, is hidden away behind a locked door in an inaccessible room in the cabin. This room can only be accessed by hacking into the game.
If you cheat your way into the room by hacking the game, you’ll see a note that simply says “you are not supposed to be here”. Many hackers were probably disappointed to see that this was their only reward for hacking into the secret room, but it’s amusing that the developer would go out of his way to add this feature simply to call out hackers for cheating.
Related: All Characters in Choo Choo Charles
Choo Choo Charles may have just started out as a simple meme game, but it has evolved into one of the greatest horror games of the year. This game may seem pretty cut and dry at first glance, but there are a lot more secrets to Choo Choo Charles than many people realize. Check out Gamer Journalist’s articles for Choo Choo Charles to discover all the hidden mysteries of this game!
Published: Dec 23, 2022 07:03 pm