In both the games and the anime, the precise means by which Digimon Digivolve has always been a bit… murky, at best. Something to do with data and life force, I think? The specifics of it are immaterial, the point is that your little Digimon buddies can grow into massive, magnificent monsters as long as you put the effort in. Here are all the evolutions and forms in Digimon Survive.
All Digimon Evolutions and their next forms in Digimon Survive
In Digimon Survive, the means by which your Digimon Digivolve depend on whether they’re a partner Digimon or a recruit Digimon. Partner Digimon are story characters that stick with their human partners, while recruits join your party through negotiation during battle.
Related: How to Get Guilmon in Digimon Survive
Partner Digimon will evolve on their own as you progress through the game’s story, though the precise form they take will depend on your current Karma level. Recruit Digimon, meanwhile, can be evolved through the use of consumable items called Enlightenment Slabs. A Rookie Digimon Digivolves into a Champion with a Mature Enlightenment Slab, a Champion Digivolves into an Ultimate with a Perfect Enlightenment Slab, and an Ultimate Digivolves into a Mega with an Ultimate Enlightenment Slab (ironically).
Digivolve Into Champions

With all that established, here is the list of Digimon evolutions, starting with Rookie forms and working up to Mega forms.
- Agumon
- Greymon
- Tyrannomon
- Tuskmon
- MetalGreymon
- Triceramon
- Megadramon
- WarGreymon
- Dinorexmon
- Machinedramon
- Betamon
- Tuskmon
- Seadramon
- Deltamon
- Triceramon
- Gigadramon
- Megaseadramon
- Spinomon
- MetalSeadramon
- Dinorexmon
- Biyomon
- Meramon
- Birdramon
- Diatrymon
- BlueMeramon
- Garudamon
- Crowmon
- Varodurumon
- Zhuqiaomon
- Hououmon
- Dracmon
- Sangloupmon
- Myotismon
- Arukenimon
- Boltboutamon
- Beelzemon
- Sangloupmon
- Falcomon
- Diatrymon
- Garudamon
- Crowmon
- Varodurumon
- Zhuqiaomon
- Hououmon
- Diatrymon
- Floramon
- Vegiemon
- Lilymon
- Blossomon
- Puppetmon
- Ceresmon
- Ceresmon Medium
- Ebonwumon
- Rosemon
- Vegiemon
- Gabumon
- Garurumon
- Siesamon
- Dobermon
- WereGarurumon
- Cerberumon
- MetalGarurumon
- Plutomon
- Baihumon
- Anubismon
- Gazimon
- Wendigomon
- Fangmon
- Sangloupmon
- MarineDevimon
- Myotismon
- Arukenimon
- Antylamon
- Boltboutamon
- Cherubimon
- Seraphimon
- Beelzemon
- Gomamon
- Shellmon
- Seadramon
- Ikkakumon
- Mermaimon
- Megaseadramon
- Zudomon
- MarineAngemon
- Metalseadramon
- Plesiomon
- Gotsumon
- Numemon
- Dokugumon
- Guardromon
- Etemon
- Monzaemon
- Andromon
- Piedmon
- Machinedramon
- Guilmon
- Growlmon
- WarGrowlmon
- Dukemon
- WarGrowlmon
- Growlmon
- Kunemon
- Flymon
- JewelBeemon
- MegaKabuterimon
- GrandKuwagamon
- HerculesKabuterimon
- BanchoStingmon
- Flymon
- Labramon
- Dobermon
- WereGarurumon
- Cerberumon
- MetalGarurumon
- Plutomon
- Baihumon
- Anubismon
- Dobermon
- Lopmon
- Wendigomon
- Turuiemon
- MarineDevimon
- Antylamon
- Arukenimon
- Boltboutamon
- Cherubimon
- Seraphimon
- Beelzemon
- Palmon
- Togemon
- Vegiemon
- Kiwimon
- Deramon
- Lilymon
- Blossomon
- Puppetmon
- Ceresmon
- Ceresmon Medium
- Ebonwumon
- Rosemon
- Patamon
- Angemon
- Tailmon
- Turuiemon
- Angewomon
- MagnaAngemon
- Antylamon
- Magnadramon
- Seraphimon
- Cherubimon (Good)
- Renamon
- Kyuubimon
- Leomon
- Taomon
- IceLeomon
- Sakuyamon
- Sakuyamon Maid Mode
- Anubismon
- SaberLeomon
- Syakomon
- Shellmon
- Mermaimon
- Zudomon
- MarineAngemon
- MetalSeadramon
- Plesiomon
- Qinglongmon
- Shellmon
- Tentomon
- Kuwagamon
- Kabuterimon
- Flymon
- Okuwamon
- MegaKaburetirmon
- JewelBeemon
- GrandKuwagamon
- HerculesKabuterimon
- BanchoStingmon
That’s a whole lotta Digivolving. You’ll be listening to the Digivolving theme for an entire day at this rate, and you’ll do it with a smile too because it’s awesome.
Published: Nov 11, 2022 12:24 pm