When you think of the Battle Bus from Fortnite, you usually think of the bizarre amalgam of a school bus and a hot air balloon, wheels hanging vestigial and useless in the air. Paradoxical though it may be, you probably wouldn’t consider the Battle Bus ever driving around on the ground like a regular bus, but if Chapter 3 Season 2 of Fortnite has proven anything to us, is that there’s no such thing as established norms in this world. Here are all of the Armored Battle Bus locations in Fortnite.
The Armored Battle Bus is a new vehicle added in Chapter 3 Season 2 of Fortnite, though perhaps it’d be more accurate to call it an old vehicle with a new look. The Armored Battle Bus has had its flight mechanism swapped out with a pair of roof-mounted turrets, plus a massive armored truncheon bolted to the front. It’s sturdy and powerful, making it a fun and practical way to get around. If you want to drive one for yourself, you’re welcome to, but you gotta find one first.
All Armored Battle Bus Locations in Fortnite
As Battle Buses are iconic of the Resistance faction, Armored Battle Buses can only be found in the blue Resistance-controlled territories of the Island. Specifically, they can be found at Sanctuary and Synapse Station.

Synapse Station is a place of interest located in the southwest of the desert region of the map, and you’ll find the Armored Battle Bus there next to the Funding Station and the big garage.
The other Battle Bus can be found in the central area of Sanctuary, located around the middle of the map.
More of these buses are slated to appear on the map as the Funding Stations raise more cash, but for the time being, if you want to drive one, it’d be prudent to attempt to drop near them. After all, there’s only a couple, and odds are good that a lot of folks will want a turn at the wheel as well.
Published: Mar 26, 2022 04:30 pm