Image via ConcernedApe

What Does the Favorite Thing in Stardew Valley Do?

Your favorite thing plays a small role in the flavor text.

Sometimes, when you’re creating a character in a video game, you’ll get a somewhat vague question, such as your favorite food or favorite thing. Earthbound did this, for example, using the favorite thing you chose as the name of your strongest PSI attack. Stardew Valley has its own favorite thing box on its character creator, though its function isn’t quite as fancy. So, what does the Favorite Thing in Stardew Valley do?

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What Does the Favorite Thing in Stardew Valley Do?

When you’re first creating your character and setting up your farm in Stardew Valley, one of the top three boxes you need to fill in is your name, your farm’s name, and your favorite thing. You can fill in the favorite thing box with whatever you want, but free advice, you should probably pick some kind of food. I’ll explain why in a moment.

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Later on, long after you’ve gotten established in the game, you may start coming across mysterious fruits known as Stardrops. When consumed, Stardrops will permanently increase your character’s maximum energy level. More to the point, though, when you eat a Stardrop, you’ll get a text box informing you that the taste reminds you of something important. Yep, that’s right, it’s your favorite thing.

Image via ConcernedApe

Let’s say, for example, you set your favorite thing as “spaghetti.” When you eat a Stardrop, you’d get a message that reads “Your mind is filled with thoughts of spaghetti.” Or, alternatively, you could get a message that reads “It’s strange, but the taste reminds you of spaghetti.” Whatever your favorite thing is, that’s what the taste of a Stardrop will remind you of. This is why you should probably pick a food of some kind, unless you want to be reminded of the taste of clean underwear or something.

Does Your Favorite Thing Affect the Game?

Nope! It’s just a fun little way to customize a small portion of the game’s flavor text. No matter what the taste of Stardrops reminds you of, they’ll still boost your maximum energy regardless, so feel free to get a little weird with it if you feel so inclined.

Image of Daniel Trock
Daniel Trock
Since the first time he picked up a controller as a child, Daniel has been a dyed-in-the-wool gaming fanatic, with a Steam library numbering over 600 games. His favorite pastime, aside from playing games, is doing deep dives on game wikis to learn more about their lore and characters.