How to Burgle Houses in BitLife

How to Burgle Houses in BitLife

Obviously, I don’t condone the act of theft. You shouldn’t take other peoples’ stuff; it’s not yours, and they need it. That being said, I am an absolute sucker for heist movies and gentleman thieves like Lupin III and Sly Cooper. There is a certain romanticism to theft when presented in a particular way, and as long as it’s kept strictly to fictional mediums, there’s no harm in it. For one such example, here’s how to burgle houses in BitLife.

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Unlike most career paths in BitLife (if you can really call this a career), burgling doesn’t have any particular prerequisites. In fact, it’s actually a great first step if you’re looking to join a crime family, as it helps you amass a criminal rep, but that’s another discussion. For now, getting started on burgling houses is as simple as opening the activities tab and clicking the “crime” button. Yep, it’s time to do a crime.

How to Burgle Houses in BitLife

To burgle houses in BitLife, head into the activities tab and find the crime option. Under the crime section, you’ll see the option to burgle a home, though there’s a bit of consideration you have to do first. You’ll get a list of different houses you can target of varying qualities. Higher-quality houses have more stuff for you to swipe, but they also have more stringent security measures, so going for a higher-profile target is done at your own risk. 

When you’ve selected the house you wanna burgle, you’ll get a map showing its layout, as well as any security measures like cameras and dogs, and the owner if they’re home. Take the time to study the interior before you press the start button, because you won’t have time to loiter. Even if you’re not caught by in-house security, if you hang around too long, the cops may show up at the front door and make things even more complicated. You wanna get in, take what you can, and scram ASAP.

Press start to begin the job and use the directional buttons to navigate the house. Plot your route to the valuables carefully to avoid any security measures. If you’re caught by the owner, security, or the cops, it’s an instant game over, with criminal charges likely in your future, so if there’s a heavily protected item, you might just want to let it go. You can restart BitLife and try again if you want to avoid going to jail.

When you’ve swiped everything possible, exit out the front, and you’ll immediately unload everything at the pawn shop. You can go burgling multiple times in a year, though the target list will only refresh when you Age Up.

Image of Daniel Trock
Daniel Trock
Since the first time he picked up a controller as a child, Daniel has been a dyed-in-the-wool gaming fanatic, with a Steam library numbering over 600 games. His favorite pastime, aside from playing games, is doing deep dives on game wikis to learn more about their lore and characters.