Bigger is not always better, and the same can be said for houses in Minecraft. Not everyone has the time nor skill to build a 40+ room mansion in the mountains; some players just need something quick to throw together when exploring or while searching for a permanent residence.
Whether you’re a nomadic player who gets lost while exploring or you’re just a lazy builder who doesn’t want to spend an hour on a house, minimalist Minecraft houses are the perfect solution. These houses all take under ten minutes to build and are the perfect solution for your minimalist cravings.
Smallest Minecraft House Ideas

Stuck in the snow with nowhere to go? Build an igloo! In snowy biomes, there are endless amounts of snow to work with, so you won’t ever have to worry about running out of materials. Igloos are a great way to pass through the night if you’re worried about polar bears, strays, or even phantoms! Of course, these igloos can be built based on the player’s discretion, but for this specific igloo, you will need:
- 26 Snow Blocks
- 6 Glowstone Blocks
- 1 Birch Door
Tree House

If you’re stuck in a biome with a lot of trees, building a treehouse just makes sense. Treehouses make it easy to look out for any hostile mobs below or to scout out the next place to explore from the treetops. You’re also surrounded by building material, so you won’t have to worry about running out of wood for your treehouse. This house’s specifications can vary depending on what biome you find yourself in, but this little treehouse was built with these materials:
- 20 Spruce Wood Planks
- 22 Oak Wood Planks
- 8 Oak Wood Stairs
- 14 Spruce Wood Stairs
- 1 Spruce Door
- 3 Torches
Overwater Hut

If your ocean exploration is taking a bit longer than expected, it might be safest to build a hut to rest in. Minecraft Witches are really onto something with these huts, you’ve got endless space to fish and almost no hostile mobs can reach you! It’s also the perfect place to hide from other players in a multiplayer survival world; the middle of the ocean won’t be anyone’s first place to look. This hut can be customized to your liking of course, but this specific hut was built with these materials:
- 4 Birch Wood Fence Posts
- 34 Dark Oak Wood Slabs
- 20 Dark Oak Wood Planks
- 16 Birch Wood Planks
- 8 Dark Oak Wood Stairs
- 8 Birch Wood Stairs
- 6 Black Stained Glass Panes
- 4 Shroom Lights
- 10 Soul Torches

If you love Minecraft nature too much to block it off with walls, try building yourself a gazebo instead! The only thing more fun than saying the word Gazebo is building one, and this one takes under ten minutes to make. These gazebos are bad for hiding from mobs and enemies but are great for observing your surroundings! The appearance of your gazebo can vary depending upon what materials you have on hand, but they should all be built with roughly these materials:
- 4 Oak Wood Doors
- 12 Birch Wood Fence Posts
- 5 Oak Wood Slabs
- 4 Birch Wood Slabs
- 9 Jungle Wood Planks
- 2 Flower Pots
- 2 Red Lilies
- 5 Soul Torches
Mountainside Home

These homes are perfect for those who live in mountainous regions and can’t find a flat piece of land to build on. Just mine a small hole in the side of a mountain, and you’re already halfway done! These homes offer excellent protection from mobs, and even more excellent protection from other players. These homes can be easily camouflaged to blend right in with the side of the mountain, so you’ll never have to worry about your base being discovered again! This house was built with modesty in mind, but can be camouflaged or glammed up depending on your preference:
- 20 Birch Wood Planks
- 2 Birch Wood Doors
- 4 Glass Blocks
- 2 Torches
Desert Hut

Deserts are some of the harshest and least forgiving places to live, and the same goes for Minecraft deserts. With little to no food, shelter, or crafting resources, Minecraft deserts can be tough to get through. If you find yourself in a desert at night with no hope of getting through, try building yourself a little hut with what’s available – sandstone! These tough little huts are great for hiding from hostile mobs such as husks and phantoms, and they blend right in with the landscape, so they can be nearly invisible to other players! These quick little structures can be built with only these materials:
- 32 Smooth Sandstone Blocks
- 23 Sandstone Stairs
- 1 Birch Door
- 2 Flower Pots
- 2 Dead Bushes
- 3 Torches

Minecraft tents are perfect for those who hate camping in real life but love virtual camping. Tents are great for any biome and can be built with almost any material in a matter of minutes! The versatility and simplicity of these little structures are what really makes them special; they can be made anywhere, at any time, with any material. They offer decent protection from mobs and are quick to put up and take down if you’re in a hurry. Your tent can be made of anything you have on hand, but this little tent was made with these handy materials:
- 4 Red Smooth Sandstone Stairs
- 2 Red Smooth Sandstone Slabs
- 6 Orange Wool Blocks
- 1 Yellow Bed
- 1 Campfire
Underwater Bunker

These underwater bunkers are great for players who want to avoid mobs and other players at all costs; even if you’re somehow spotted, it’ll take a while for your enemies to get to you, giving you ample time to prepare for their arrival. The only hostile mobs you’ll have to worry about in these houses are drowned, and even then, there’s no way for them to get into your home unless they’re let in purposefully. The building materials can vary depending on how camouflaged you want your bunker, but this little bunker was made with these materials:
- 22 Smooth Stone Blocks
- 10 Stone Blocks
- 15 Cobblestone Stairs
- 6 Glowstone Blocks
- 1 Iron Door
- 1 Stone Button
Minecraft houses don’t need to be big to be good, as long as they’re functional and serve their purpose, size doesn’t matter! Whether you’re a nomadic player who just wants something easy to build up and takedown on your travels, or you’re a new player not familiar with the nuances of building yet, these small Minecraft houses are perfect!
Published: May 31, 2022 09:38 am