It’s just three hours into the release of World of Warcraft’s latest expansion, Shadowlands, and a player on European realm Al’akir has already hit max level. Many players are battling random disconnects and long queues, so it’s surprising to see this accomplishment done in such a short time after launch. Here’s the World of Warcraft: Shadowlands World First Level 60.
World of Warcraft: Shadowlands World First Level 60
According to a tweet by Method, player Monkeylool on EU-Al’Akir is the world’s first level 60 in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands.
The World of Warcraft Blizzard Armory confirms the feat, which can be seen here. Monkeylool’s guildmate Rixers gave some more information about the speed leveling process on Twitch. They continuously ran Necrotic Wake as a three-player party.
Typically, you cannot queue up for Necrotic Wake if you are level 56 or over, but they found a workaround. If a player in your party is below level 56, you can still queue. Using a group of six players, the group left one player at level 51 and used them to queue. The group took advantage of this and used it to gain some incredible experience per hour.
As you can see by the Method post comments, many players are stuck “battling the disconnect boss.” While it’s for many players attempting and failing to connect to their server, this remains a significant accomplishment by Monkeylool.
Published: Nov 24, 2020 02:50 am