Wolcen Developers Reveal Known v1.0.4.0 Bugs

This article is over 5 years old and may contain outdated information

Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem has had some mixed criticism since its release earlier this month. While there is undoubtedly a ton of bugs, the game has amassed a large following with almost 100,000 concurrent users this past weekend despite all the known issues.

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The Wolcen development team made a post today acknowledging a list of bugs they are currently working on for the upcoming v1.0.5 patch.

Wolcen Developers Reveal Known v1.0.4.0 Bugs

The official post acknowledging the known v1.0.4.0 issues can be found here. This is a full list of all the bugs:

  • Players can sometimes lose items in their personal chest.
  • Players can lose dyes and appearances previously unlocked.
  • Some players still can’t enter the Monolith during Fury’s Ascent quest.
  • Some Offline characters don’t appear on the character selection screen.
  • Act I Boss can sometimes become invulnerable.
  • Act III Boss can sometimes freeze.
  • Unwanted behaviors from stackable items, trading, productivity, and magic find in specific situations.
  • Players can have their quest progression locked if they join a friend who is further in the progression.
  • Players’ animations can be desynchronized in Multiplayer.
  • Fixing multiple passive skill nodes issues (Attrition Strategist, Static Transferral, Safe from Afar, Intravenous Neural Cord, Eagerness, Mass evasion, High Evasion, Sparking Dart, Blessed Silver, Captured Velocity, Academic Fieldwork, Primordial Insights, Faith Leach, Plague Bringer, Virtuose Stance…).
  • Summoners need some love and they will have some.
  • Uniques can be altered.
  • Helmet and Boots can have 2 sockets at certain item levels.
  • The Block Efficiency cannot be rolled on shields after level 90.
  • Some skills (ex: Bleeding Edge, Winter’s Grasp, Bulwark of Dawn, Flight of Gaavanir…) deal much more damage than they should with some modifiers or don’t function the way they should.
  • Genesis unique item can malfunction and lead the game to freeze
  • Crash reports.

They stated this is a non-exhaustive list, meaning they are likely working on other things aside from just the things listed above for patch v1.0.5.0 and v1.0.6.0.

The team appears to be set on resolving all the outstanding game issues so players can better enjoy the game. Many popular ARPG streamers and content creators agree that there is a good base for a successful long-term ARPG here with Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem.

Image of Cole Andrews
Cole Andrews
Cole is a lifelong PC gamer who loves FPS, RPG, and MMO games. The first PC game that got him hooked was the Counter-Strike beta in 1999. He has thousands of hours in all of the old-school Blizzard games like Starcraft, Warcraft, and Diablo.