Wolcen 1.0.8 Patch Notes

Wolcen 1.0.8 Patch Notes Overview

This article is over 5 years old and may contain outdated information

Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem have officially released their weekly patch on March 6th, 2020. Here’s a general overview of what you can expect from the Wolcen 1.0.8 patch.

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Wolcen 1.0.8 Patch Notable Changes

Players will be happy to know they have finally fixed an issue that caused right-clicking on items in the inventory to be registered as left clicks. This may seem like a joke but it was actually quite an annoying bug.

Auto shoot with bows seems to now be fixed. Staff projectiles are also now fixed, so all auto shooting now registers on enemies.

The mega regeneration boss has been fixed, which was impossible to kill for a lot of builds.

The willpower/rage transfer speed bug was NOT fixed as of this patch. Maybe this will make it into next week’s update.

Wolcen 1.0.8 Patch Notes


  • Fixed an issue causing right clicks on items in the inventory to be resolved as left clicks.
  • Fixed an issue causing a UI glitch when selling a right-hand weapon directly from equipped inventory while dual-wielding weapons.
  • Fixed an immortality exploit happening when joining a game.
  • Fixed an issue causing loot to drop at one’s feet when an ally player opened a chest (the issue persists on cursed chests for the moment).
  • Fixed issues causing the staff projectiles to fail their hits on big monsters and to fail to bounce on packs of monsters.
  • Fixed an issue causing environmental projectiles to deal no damage during the Chapter III quest “The Gates of Fury”.
  • Fixed an issue allowing players to revive several allies at the same time if they were close enough.
  • Fixed a bug causing players to lose gold and primordial affinity when connecting to the game.
  • Fixed an issue causing players to collide with each other after reviving from a down state.
  • Fixed an issue causing some players to have two WolcenTag, preventing them from adding friends.

User Interface

  • Allies’ health bars are now displayed for summoned minions. Added minimap icons to some level entrances which did not have one.
  • Fixed a bug displaying a seemingly increasing Magic Find Bonus in the quest tracking UI.


  • Reduced the level requirement for tier 15 weapons and tier 4 accessories from level 60 to level 50.
  • Fixed an issue preventing the auto-dash from receiving various modifiers from attack-related passive nodes.
  • Offering altars pannel and Untainted reward screens are not affected by item quantity modifiers anymore.

Gate of Fates

  • Fixed an issue in the computation of the Blessed Silver passive node.
  • Fixed an issue in the computation of the Sparking Dart passive node.
  • Fixed an issue in the computation of the Static Transferral passive node.

Active Skills

  • Fixed an issue preventing the “Baptism by Hail” modifier of Havoc Orb to work.
  • Fixed an issue leading summoned monsters of other players to block you when joining a game.
  • Fixed a bug causing summons to collide with player projectiles in force-attack mode.


  • Noxious Swarmwings have been reintegrated and are now properly targetable.
  • Increased the scale of the Pacified Exoskeleton in Endgame.
  • Adjusted the Health bars of the Harvesters.
  • Improved the projectile capsule of small monsters.
  • Reduced the health provided by the Tough boss modifier from 75% to 30%.
  • Disabled the Regeneration boss modifier.
  • The following boss modifiers now appear 20% less often: Fast, Tough, Unstoppable, Fire Imbued, Frost Imbued, Lightning Imbued, Physical Imbued, Rend Imbued, Sacred Imbued, Shadow Imbued, Toxic Imbued, Aether Imbued, Powerful, Elemental Shield, Material Shield, Occult Shield. As a result, the other boss modifiers now appear more often.
  • The Justicar(Elite) doesn’t use his Inexorable Advance skill anymore.
  • Increased the cooldown of the Justicar(Elite)’s repeated shots from 4 to 15 seconds.
  • Improved the indicator of the Aurora Knight’s superior Holy Dive in order to better fit the actual shape of the skill.
  • Wealth Omens now give gold every 10% Health lost instead of every hit.
  • Fixed an issue causing Yudai to teleport the player out of the game area using its trap skill.


  • Reduced the maximum number of summoned monsters from the Boss on the final floor encounter by 50%. This change concerns the following bosses: Alpha Svriir, Devourer, Demon of Souls, Alastor, Sadistic Thug, Pacified Exoskeleton, Aurora Knight, Demon of Flesh, Justicar and Primordial Guardian. Increased the cooldown of the summoning skill of Bosses on the final floor encounter from 20 to 60 seconds.
  • Legendary items can’t be put in the Upgrade Rarity project of the Dark Market anymore.
  • Fixed the cost of the Legendary Reagent of the Seeker’s Expedition: it now costs 30,000 gold and 20, 000 production to match the Reagent Upgrade from the Dark Market.
  • Reduced the value of the Area Modifier’s effect allowing some types of enemies to “have a reduction to the duration of crowd control effects received”.
  • Fixed an immortality exploit during expeditions. If all players enter their down state at the same time, the expedition will now fail.


  • Improved the Punisher Exoskeleton’s animation.
  • Improved Heimlock’s animation during the first talk cinematic.


  • Fixed an issue where Blood decals VFX colors did not match with certain levels.
  • The Primordial Armor death effects are no longer affected by the movement effects triggered by player skills.
  • Added a small magic effect on the female character’s hand while wielding a staff.
  • Changed rotation of Female Hammer swipes to fit with animation.
  • Changed rotation of Male 2H Sword swipes to fit with animation.


  • Fixed missing Brotherhood of Dawn melee attack sounds. Added more body fall sounds to Republic Mortarbeast and Punisher Exoskeleton after death.
  • Improved Wings of Ishmir cast sound with a cooldown. To avoid fatigue, this skill will now swap to a softer sound if used in quick succession (e.g when used with Relentless Pursuit modifier).
  • Added execution sounds to the Chapter II Republic vs Wildlings scene.
  • Fixed wrong sounds playing when equipping weapons.


  • Improved English localization.
  • Updated German localization.
  • Updated Simplified Chinese localization.
  • Updated French localization.
  • Updated Polish localization.
  • Updated Brazilian Portuguese localization.
  • Updated Spanish localization.
  • Updated Russian localization.