Throughout the many years of the Destiny franchise, there’s few things that people will be more inquisitive about than the games lore. That ever expanding lore and history of the universe continues further into the Lightfall expansion. With the last week of the Season of the Seraph coming, Bungie released the last cinematic for year 5 of Destiny. (SPOILER WRANING) In this cinematic, you see the Traveler attempt to flee Earth as it has other civilizations in the past. With so many questions and little to no answers, players are left to speculate: why did the Traveler leave Earth in Destiny 2 Lightfall?
Why did The Traveler Leave Earth in Destiny 2 Lightfall?

This latest cinematic brought about new information for Guardians. For example, we learn that in order to stop Eramis from destroying the Traveler, Ana Bray has to disable the warsat network, getting rid of Rasputin entirely. This is a huge sacrifice for the Guardians, but ends up saving the Traveler from imminent destruction. Many have wondered why now of all times would the Traveler choose to try and abandon the Earth. However I think now would have been the only time for the Traveler to leave, if it could. The words from the Witness themselves state that even if the Traveler wanted to leave, it cannot.
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For too long has the Traveler gone from planet to planet, seeking refuge while granting those living on the planet powers and more. However, when the Darkness has come searching for it, the Traveler has abandoned every and any world it has been on. Leaving those inhabitants without the power of the Traveler to face the Darkness alone. This is what many think the Traveler would have done to Earth if they could’ve.
Unfortunately for them, the Witness has found them and will not let them escape, so the Traveler has no other choice but to stay. Guardians like Zavala believe that it wants to stop running and help Earth fight. Whatever the true case may be, the Traveler has never had any particular affection to anyone or anything. Meaning that if it finds the right opportunity while the Guardians are holding off the Witness, it may very well leave everyone to fend for themselves against insurmountable odds.
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Published: Feb 20, 2023 12:50 pm