Dragonflight is the ninth expansion of World of Warcraft. Ninth expansion. You can tell me anything about WoW, but one has to be wonderful at their job in order to keep a property up for the amount of years WoW has, and to be able to claim that you have released nine expansions for your game is something not many developers can do. While not exempt of many controversies throughout the year, the truth is that we now have a new expansion taking place in the new Dragon Isles. Just as before, there are a lot of things you can do in WoW. Classes, professions, you name it. One of the is being dedicating yourself to the fishing profession. This time, fishing has been changed a little bit, and it is now more user-friendly, to the joy of all WoW fishermen. In order to become a fishing master, you must first find a fishing trainer. We will tell you where to find them. Here is where to find the fishing trainer locations in World of Warcraft Dragonflight.
Where to Find the Fishing Trainer

There are quite a bunch of fishing trainers all around the Dragon Isles, so the ability to train your fishing skills is quite accessible this time. There is no specialization tree this time and your fishing pole is now a fishing tool, preventing yourself to be put in danger when using it as your primary weapon. That means that there is no need for swapping anymore. Fishing will grant you ingredients for cooking, materials for other professions and can be a very good source of income as well. Anyway, here is where to find the fishing trainer locations in World of Warcraft Dragonflight.
- Mora Couldwalker: Wild Coast (the location you arrive at in Dragon Isles).
- Daring Fisher: Roaring Dragonsprings, Ohnáran Plains.
- Angler Taimu: Teerakai, Ohnáran Plains.
- Threshrak: Emerald Gardens, Ohnáran Plains.
- Nunvuq: Iskaara, The Azure Span.
- Toklo: near the Valdrakken’s market, Thadraszus.
Related: How to Fix “A Character With that Name Already Exists” Error in World of Warcraft.
So what are you waiting for? Become a fishing master to become the ultimate cook or the ultimate millionaire. It can even be a good excuse to explore the new Dragon Isles featured in this new World of Warcraft expansion.
World of Warcraft Dragonflight is available on Windows and macOS. If you like our WoW content, be sure to check out Whats the Best Class in WoW? Answered and World of Warcraft WOW51900314 Error Fix.
Published: Nov 29, 2022 04:27 pm