I’m going to go over where to find the Hydroponics Delta Lost Sector in Destiny 2. I have to say that it’s a shame this area has been relegated to a Lost Sector – it’s visually stunning, although so is everything in Lightfall. Despite that, you’re going to need to know how to get to it, which is why I’m here.
I’m going to run you through where to find the Hyrdoponics Delta Lost Sector in Destiny 2. It’s only a short jog through Neomuna, so it won’t take too long.
Destiny 2 – Where to Find Hyrdoponics Delta Lost Sector

To find the Hydroponics Delta Lost Sector, you’ll be heading to Neptune. When you arrive at the Patrol Zone, open up your Director map and take a look at the “Zephyr Discourse” area of the map. If you hover over the Lost Sector in that area, you’ll see that it’s the Hydroponics Delta, so that’s where you’ll be going.
Related: Where to Find Thrilladrome Lost Sector in Destiny 2
Jump off of the platform and start heading right. Hop on your Sparrow, and start following the road towards the “Zephyr Discourse”. You’ll notice you’re going the right way if you pass some awesome-looking street art of the Cloud Striders.
When you’re in the right load zone, start heading directly toward where you saw the Lost Sector on your map. If you reach the exact spot where the Sector is meant to be, you’ll be standing on a bridge.
If you look under that bridge, you’ll notice a metal walkway on one side, with some stairs. Head down the stairs and onto the walkway. You can continue around here, but that’s a red herring and will lead you to a dead end. Instead, turn around and you should see a not-so-inconspicuous door on the side of the building opposite. The door is surrounded by a golden glow, so it’s hard to miss.
Jump across to the door and head inside. You’ll be treated to some absolutely gorgeous environmental design here, along with a short jumping puzzle that’ll see you go over some holographic plants and through a hole in the floor.
Follow this pseudo-puzzle all the way around, and you’ll end up in the Hyrdoponic Delta Lost Sector – along with some pretty mean-looking Cabal.
For more Destiny 2 Lightfall tips and tricks – make sure you’re following Gamer Journalist on Facebook. Lightfall’s a big expansion, don’t navigate it by yourself.
Published: Feb 28, 2023 06:41 pm