Conan Exiles - Savage edition screenshot
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Where to Find Black Ice in Conan Exiles – Black Ice Locations

There are only a few areas of the Exiled Lands where you can find this rare material

Conan Exiles is full of different materials you can use to craft and enhance weapons, armor or building tools. However, arguably the most powerful material hails from the northern regions of the game, Black Ice. Which can be used to make some of the strongest weapons in Conan Exiles as well as vital building materials like Hardened Steel and Star Metal.

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In this guide, we will look at where you can find Black Ice in Conan Exiles.

Where to find Black Ice in Conan Exiles – Black Ice Locations

Everybody knows that to find ice, you need to travel to the frozen regions of the Exiled Lands. However, Black Ice can only be found between the Obelisk on the Frozen Slopes and the Temple of Frost. Here you will come across Black Ice crystals, which can be mined to create Black Ice shards.

Related: How to Make Hardened Steel in Conan Exiles

Of the two areas, you’re probably going to have greater success at the Temple of Frost. While it’s far more dangerous than travelling to the Frozen Slopes, it’s also far more rewarding. With some players claiming you can obtain anywhere up to 6,000 Black Ice crystals at a time. This is also where you will need to go to craft weapons made out of ice.

The temple is located in the Frozen North and has shining floors and walls made of ancient ice. Once you’ve found it, simply go behind the first set of stairs near the entrance to the temple. Here you will find loads of Black Ice for the taking.

However, you’ll need to keep your head on a swivel since there are several Frost Giants nearby, including Hrungnir of the Frost and the Frost Giant Smith.

Also, it’s important to keep in mind that before you can use Black Ice, you will first need to learn Frost Smithing. Which is a skill that can be learned by entering the Temple of Frost and touching a Lorestone located behind Hrungnir of the Frost’s throne.

That’s everything you need to know about where to find Black Ice in Conan Exiles. Be sure to check out some of our other guides here at Gamer Journalist. Like how to get free real estate in The Sims 4 or how to simulate practice in F1 22.

Image of Rowan Fisher-Shotton
Rowan Fisher-Shotton
Rowan enjoys all things sports and has experience covering NBA, NFL, NCAA, and MMA, along with sports gambling.