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Where is Dapper Bear in Bee Swarm Simulator

Find that bear!

In Bee Swarm Simulator, the premise couldn’t be simpler. Players are tasked with herding and collecting bees. These bees can be farmed to generate and harvest honey. The more honey gathered, the more upgrades can be bought to better your bee farm. From flowers and planters to Beequip cases, there are plenty of ways to upgrade. This is why players go to see the Dapper Bear. Dapper Bear is one of eight quest giver bears who provide upgrades to player’s bee farms. The bear is also a shop vendor, meaning he doubles for even more upgrades for the player.

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The location of Dapper Bear can be a challenge for new players in Bee Swarm Simulator, but luckily this guide will go over the bear’s location and what he can provide for them.

Where is the Dapper Bear in Bee Swarm Simulator?

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Luckily for players, Dapper Bear is quite easy to find once they familiarize themselves with the play area. All players need to do is head to the Stump Field if they haven’t already. Once there, they will quickly find Dapper Bear close by to his shop. What this bear offers can benefit players both new and old. For new players, Dapper Bear provides them with three Ticket Planters and a Beequip case if they haven’t obtained one already. Dapper bear also sells crafting materials if needed. For veteran bee swarm collectors, Dapper bear offers more diverse planters that can be purchased. Though players have to save some serious honey for them, as planters’ cost can range from several hundred thousand honey to well over a few trillion.

Hopefully this guide helps players find Dapper Bear quickly. For more game coverage, be sure to check out How to Macro in Bee Swarm Simulator or Where Is Spirit Bear in Bee Swarm Simulator. For more discussion and social aspects, take a look at our Facebook page.
