The second expansion for World of Warcraft, Wrath of the Lich King (WotLK), is just like any other multiplayer online RPG. One of your goals is to keep on leveling up until you are the best of the best.
In this guide, we give you some recommendations on what to do once you hit level 80 in WotLK. Through this, we’ll provide you with a pretty good idea of what’s yet to do and achieve in Northrend after reaching level 80. Hitting the max level is just the beginning of many more to come in this expansion. So aside from the obvious like keeping up with the quests and learning to raid better, here’s how you should begin.
Keep in line with Reputations

At this point, you should begin working towards the corresponding faction for your head enchant. When level 80 has been reached, some players are already in the process of getting their head enchants, but if you haven’t yet, you should prioritize this.
Take note that different classes and roles have different reputations to work towards. As an example, the Arcanum of the Stalwart Protector is obtained from being revered with the agent crusade, and it gives you stamina and dodge. On the other hand, the Arcanum of Torrent that is obtained from being revered with Ebon Blade gives you attack power and critical strike.
Max out your crafting professions

Most professions in WotLK give you a lot of boosts that helps you with raids. When running double crafting professions, it is normal to only focus on leveling so far up until you reach level 80. Crafting professions also require more work than gathering professions, so hitting the max level is the perfect time to focus on maxing them out to Grand Master from Classic or Master.
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Gear up to prep for raids

More advanced players can easily carry you through heroic five-man instances, but at level 80, it’s now time to start pulling your own weight. Focus on gearing up as there are so many stats you can continue to work on.
Normal Dungeons
Doing normal dungeons first is a good place to start. You can obtain decent gear, along with badges for every boss kill which you can also spend on better gear. Queue for dungeons where there are available upgrades that are at a level that’s high enough for you to get the most out of them.
Heroic Dungeons
You can get even better gear and badges in heroic dungeons, but you also need to be equipped with good gear to be successful in them. Once you’ve gotten the hang of normals first, heroic dungeons are your next objective when you’re all geared up and have pretty decent stats.
Wintergrasp and Battlegrounds
You can get better geared up through Wintergrasp and other forms of PvP like Battlegrounds. We recommend that you prioritize Wintergrasp because of the fast honor. This is also because Wintergrasp Marks can be spent for some pretty decent raiding gear which can also aid you well in completing the Heroic Dungeons.
Get reputation while doing dungeons
A great trick we can share for reputation is to get friendly with everyone and buy their Tabard. Their Tabard can be used while grinding dungeons at max level. With that Tabard active, you passively obtain reputation as you do dungeons. This is some effective multi-tasking to grind the game further even after reaching level 80 for a character.
Buy cheap BoE blue gears at the Auction House

If your gear game is looking pretty weak, we highly recommend that you check out the Auction House for some affordable BoE blue gears. They can also be found in the open world, in the dungeons, and also in hunting rares. You can also either purchase the required materials and have them crafted for you, as tailors can craft BoE cloth items, blacksmiths can craft BoE plate gear, and so on.
There’s so much more to do at max level, and only at this point is where the fun really begins. You can also start getting more Achievements, start hunting the Time-Lost-Proto-Drake, and more. But what we’ve listed above are the basics that you should not miss after reaching level 80, as these will set you up to be the best among the best in WotLK.
Published: Jan 18, 2023 08:15 am