What is the Daily Focus Playlist in Destiny 2?

What is the Daily Focus Playlist in Destiny 2?

Guardian Games are back, and Hunters are already dominating. If you want to do your part to help Titans and Warlocks back into the game (or help Hunters keep their advantage, like me), then you need to be running the Daily Focus Playlist. If you’re new to the Guardian Games or just looking to do some research before getting started, you’re probably wondering what the Daily Focus Playlist is in Destiny 2. Here’s everything you need to know.

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What is the Daily Focus Playlist in Destiny 2?

The Daily Focus playlist is a Guardian Games exclusive game mode that rotates through Strikes, Gambits, and Crucibles, matching you with other players of your same class type, whether it’s Hunters, Titans, or Warlocks. It’s the fastest way to earn Laurels during the Guardian Games since it allows you to chain together Contender Cards for high-value medals.

To get to the Daily Focus Playlist, open your Director to the Tower and click on the small node with the Guardian Games icon. The benefit of the focus playlist and being matches with the same class type is that you’ll be getting more Laurels as you play. 

The first day of Guardian Games features strikes as the daily focus, but it’s going to be a regular rotation of Crucible and Gambit, as well. 

Some Guardian Games challenges will require you to complete specific objectives in the Daily Focus, so there are a few different incentives to have you playing it. You don’t have to, though. Running Daily Focus Playlists is not going to affect the rate at which you earn medals, which is the main objective of the Guardian Games at the end of the day. 

Bungie has been pretty generous with Laurel drops, too. I’ve constantly been at the cap since reset on Tuesday without putting too much thought into it. Still, if you’re looking to min-max your performance, it’s what you should be playing. 
