Sky: Children of the Light is a game filled with stunning realms, a wholesome fanbase, and cute cosmetics to dress your character n. With every new day, there are daily quests, various spirits to visit with, and even new seasons from time to time. The various seasons also bring new cosmetics for a limited time, from the cape you wear to the hair on your head.
The seasons aren’t around forever though. Once its time has come to an end, the seasonal spirits, and more importantly, cosmetics, will all be set to the side. You’ll still be able to complete the quests in game, though the fun cosmetics won’t be available through the same means. You may feel down about not being able to get that really cool cape you saw, but fortunately, this isn’t the case.
Within the world of sky are Traveling Spirits – spirits from previous seasons who return for a time. While they are around, you’re able to purchase the emotes and other fun things that they once offered, using the in game currencies. But when do the spirits show up? How long will they be here? Who is the current traveling spirit, and what cosmetics are they carrying? We have all the answers for you here, and will update this page every time a new traveling spirit arrives – so keep reading to find out more!
Who is the Current Traveling Spirit?

The visiting traveling spirit is none other than the Slouching Soldier. This spirit was originally from the Spirit of the Little Prince, a collaboration season in the summer of 2021. This spirit hasn’t previously visited as a traveling spirit, this being their first time back. It will remain at the home realm from February 16 to 19, waiting to say hello. During this time, you can purchase all of the cosmetics they carry!
What Cosmetics are the Spirit Carrying – And How Much Are They?

The current traveling spirit, the Slouching Soldier, has several unique items that players may be interested in. The first of these is an item that most TS’s carry: a heart (In-Game Currency) that goes for 3 candles. You can use this heart to help purchase some of the other cosmetics this spirit carries, as well as other seasonal items.
After that, the spirit offers it’s emote, which is very fitting for the soldier – a slouch. There are four different versions of this emote, costing a total of 13 hearts all together. You only need to get the Level Three version of this emote to progress the Friendship Tree of this traveling spirit though. You’ll also need 2 ascended candles to get some of the more expensive cosmetics, which can be found by going to Eden.
This traveling spirit also carries a music sheet for 15 Hearts, and can be played on many of the instruments you can find in Sky, along with two different spells that go for 5 candles each. More notably, this traveling spirit has both a hair and cape cosmetic. The messy lob of hair, looking a lot like that of someone who hasn’t gotten a lot of sleep, goes for 42 candles. The cape on the other hand, which looks just as beaten up and torn, is 70 candles.
In total, you will need 13 Hearts, 140 Regular Candles, and 2 Ascended Candles if you want to purchase all of these spirits cosmetics.
Where Can I find the Traveling Spirit?

If you’ve already visited the traveling spirit, and have found you’re unable to unlock the items, there’s a reason for that. You haven’t met them yet! Luckily, it’s pretty easy: All you have to do is find them.
This particular traveling spirit can be found in the Vault of Knowledge, the fifth realm in the game. You can find them in the old season’s location, which is just to the left of the vault’s spawn point. You’ll have to have finished the Valley of Triumph before accessing the spirit (the fourth in-game realm), so be sure to do that first.
Who have been the previous Traveling Spirits?
There has been many traveling spirit visits in the game before the current one, all of whom offer fun and colorful cosmetics to play around with. Here’s a list of some of the more recent traveling spirits, along with when they visited.
February 2023
Slouching Soldier (Current Traveling Spirit)
Piggyback Lightseeker
January 2023
Rallying Thrillseeker
Baffled Botanist
December 2022
Pleaful Parent
Sassy Drifter
November 2022
Bearhug Hermit
Prophet of Water
October 2022
Nodding Muralist
Laidback Pioneer
September 2022
Beckoning Ruler
Shushing Light Scholar
Indifferent Alchemist
August 2022
Scolding Student
Thoughtful Director
July 2022
Doublefive Light Catcher
Timid Bookworm
June 2022
Peeking Postman
Hairtousle Teen
May 2022
Greeting Shaman
Prophet of Air
April 2022
Daydream Forester
Spinning Mentor
March 2022
Scarecrow Farmer
Stretching Guru
Troupe Greeter
February 2022
Hiking Ground
Prophet of Earth
January 2022
Saluting Protector
Twirling Champion
We hoped you enjoyed our Sky: Children of the Light guide. Be sure to check out our All Spirit Locations In the Hidden Forest in Sky: Children Of The Light guide as well. Or to follow our Sky: Children of the Light coverage, and other content, consider joining our Facebook!
Published: Feb 16, 2023 08:47 am