The ever-growing library of Xbox Game Pass is an exciting yet daunting thing. There are so many multiplayer games specifically, that it can be quite difficult to figure out what the next title you should play with your friends is. What’s even better is that our compiled list of top 10 multiplayer games to stream on Xbox Game Pass also ensures that you won’t have to worry about storage for downloads. You can play immediately, and you can even play them on the go.
The list we’ve put together is varied and spotlights many different games that fall into various genres so that every kind of player has something to stream onto their device. It’s also worth mentioning that all of these titles are able to be streamed right now to Xbox consoles, PCs, and phones/tablets with a wifi or ethernet connection.
Top 10 Multiplayer Games to Stream on Xbox Game Pass
Here’s our list of the best multiplayer games to stream right now.
Among Us

With a unique spin on the Clue type of gameplay and a personality wholly unique to its being, Among Us has proven that a good game doesn’t need to cost millions of dollars to make or have the best visuals in the industry. This is a title that gives players a unique experience in many ways because of the fact that dialogue between gamers plays such a huge part in how a match devolves as players become less trusting of each other.
Back 4 Blood

Coming from many of the developers behind the Left 4 Dead franchise, Back 4 Blood serves as a spiritual successor. Bringing that iconic team-based gameplay with many a new twist to make this title feel fresh, this title innovates off of what worked with its predecessors, making the formula work for a modern gaming era. There’s even a PvP mode if co-op doesn’t work out well.
Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight is a massive hit amongst horror fans as it brings in iconic killers from the genre and tosses them into a cat and mouse bloodbath where survivors try and run from the Killer in this 1v4 asymmetrical survival horror title. Survivors are tasked with fixing the various generators within the match’s map in time as the Killer tries their best to hunt each one down before they can escape.
Fallout 76

Starting its lifespan as more infamous for its bugs than anything else, Fallout 76 has redeemed itself in the eyes of a lot of its player base with frequent updates and expansions being implemented regularly. Wandering the wasteland with friends and scavenging for supplies has never been so much fun. There are also various dungeons to explore together and foes to hunt.
Forza Horizon 5

Quite possibly the best racing game series of the genre, the latest entry, Forza Horizon 5 improves upon the last title and gives players even more to enjoy in a near-realistic recreation of Mexico. Not only are there tons of cars to drive and races to take part in but there’s just a great amount of exploration for friends to enjoy together road trip style.
Naraka: Bladepoint

While this title has been on PC for about a year now, Naraka: Bladepoint has only come to Xbox in the last week. Bladepoint is a Battle Royale title like no other as it focuses on melee and ranged weapon combat and a gravity-defying style of movement, emulating the best martial arts films brought to screen. This isn’t your standard BR title.
NBA 2K22

As always, the NBA 2K titles are always a good place for sports fans to unwind together for some friendly competition. What’s really cool is that 2K22 is actually on Game Pass, making it that much easier for players to get their hands on it and take their friends to the hardwood or pavement.
Sea of Thieves

Ever wanted to sail the seas with your friends, dig up treasure, and sing shanties together as the waves roll below your ship? Well, Sea of Thieves makes that possible. Creating an experience reminiscent of those moments of pretend as a kid, this game makes it even better, bringing it to life and acting as a solid pirate simulator.
Star Wars: Battlefront 2

Though a title with a rocky past, Battlefront 2 has become a haven for true Star Wars fans as it fully encapsulates the great battles of every current era of the Star Wars franchise. This is the best FPS experience that doesn’t really focus too much on being as competitive as it is just fun. Kylo Ren vs Obi-Wan Kenobi. Need I say more?
Rainbox Six: Siege

If you want a truly competitive experience, then this is the pantheon of competition. A title that went from zero to hero, Siege has become a global sensation in the FPS world for its tight team-based combat as teams work against each other in gameplay similar to Call of Duty’s Search and Destroy but with more to it. This is a game that will make any FPS fan sweaty.
That’s our list of the top 10 multiplayer games to stream on Xbox Game Pass. These are all so unique games with different types of gameplay that make them stand out amongst what seems like endless titles in the subscription service. While there may be other great titles to try out with friends, these are the best.
Published: Jun 28, 2022 08:47 am