It’s no secret Roblox moderators are notorious for delivering absurd and nonsensical bans. With the sky-pounding complaints rolling in over the years, here are a few of my favorites — the most asinine of them all.
From a simple “yes” and “no” to food items, it’s anyone’s guess what’ll get you banned or even deleted. I’ve listed a couple that could at least be understandable, but there are others that simply baffle the rationally minded.
Top 10 Best Dumb Roblox Bans
10 — A Twist on a Playground Insult
“Yo mama so fat she burger” is meaningless playground banter that’s playful and harmless. However, there is a chance someone legitimately could take offense to their mama being compared to a burger, which says more about their overtly sensitive nature than it does about the trash-talking kid swinging across the monkey bars. For this reason, it ranks at the bottom of our top ten list.

9 — King, Is That You?
“Burger king foot lettuce” sounds like someone uttering a string of random words, but apparently the mods at Roblox took these words to heart. Perhaps the moderator responsible for taking offense was waiting in the drive-thru of said Burger King, and took this message as a threat of the possible inclusion of foot-fungus lettuce in their whopper. At least the moderator’s note was honest, for once.

8 — Blaspheming In The Name Of
Whether sung or spoken, thou shalt not blaspheme in the name of Bill Nye the Science Guy! (At least, according to Roblox mods).

7 — offenSive?
“s” is a very offensive letter. Just ask Oscar the Grouch on Sesame Street. Not only was this account banned, but deleted for the horribly distasteful use of the nineteenth letter of the alphabet.

6 — This Corn is Like An Angel!
“Corn” can cause an allergic reaction … if you’re allergic to corn. However, I doubt the moderators were thinking of allergies when they deleted this account for their use of corn. Most likely, they mistook “corn” for “porn” and deleted the account hastily before taking the time to double check.

5 — Mixed Signals
“yes” and “no” can get you banned for 7 days! According to the mods, life isn’t so black and white. They prefer to live in the gray areas, so a definitive yes or no can be dangerously intrusive on their way of life.

4 — No Apples Allowed!
A personal photo of an “apple” can get you banned! Beware the use of apples, bananas, or any other fresh fruit on Roblox!

3 — Watch Out, Tony!
“great.” Without the exclamation point, is it truly “great?” That’s what I’d like to know. Maybe the mods felt this was a lackadaisical use of one of their favorite words and obviously merited the attached exclamation point! SPEAK LOUDLY AND WITH PASSION OR YOUR ACCOUNT WILL BE DELETED!!

2 — So, You Hate Nuggies, Then?!
“i perfer friend chicken over chicken nuggets” — well how dare you, sir! Anyone who prefers fried chicken over chicken nuggets must be banned for seven days! We do not discriminate against the nuggets! Not on Roblox! Not today!

1 — Emoticon Damage!
If every kid on Roblox got banned for sticking their tongues out, there would be no one left to play. According to the mods, this was a blatant use of expletives that must not be tolerated.

What are some of your favorite Roblox bans?
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Published: Dec 30, 2022 7:18 PM UTC