a purple tinted menu screen with the word abilities in the upper left corner. a head and shoulder image of young man with short, white, wavy hair is in the middle of the screen surrounded by nine seals each indicating a different ability.
Screenshot via Square Enix

The DioField Chronicle: How To Play As Shivat

Shivat is The DioField Chronicle's rogue magician, bringing a mix of healing and unique offensive spells to the mix.

The DioField Chronicle is Square Enix’s latest RPG, and it features unique, tactical battles and a robust cast of characters. Each character brings something unique to the mix, but the most necessary character in any RPG is the healer. In this game, that’s Shivat: a roguish young man with a checkered past who has powerful healing spells at his disposal.

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How To Play As Shivat

Shivat is a Magicker like Waltaquin, but his spells are more focused on healing than dealing direct damage. That’s not to say he can’t dish out some pain, but even his offensive skills are more indirect than others. As with most magic users, though, he’s not the sturdiest character and benefits from having someone like Izelair take the hits.

Shivat’s iconic spell is Sanctuary, a powerful healing skill that creates a healing pool within a set area. This is perfect for keeping tanks and other close-quarter fighters healthy when they’re in combat. Shivat also has access to the Heal spell, but it’s unfortunately only tied to low-tier weapons. Keep one of these weapons handy when using Shivat as an adjutant, but if he’s in combat it’s best to rely on Sanctuary.

Offensively, Shivat prefers to create opportunities for damage rather than attacking directly. Both Flame Wisp and Lightning Rod deal damage over an area, making both of them useful when enemies are grouped together. Use a Cavalier unit like Fredret to get enemies in close to get the most out of these spells. And Ice Missile is a great spell that works well with fast-hitting characters like Andrias.

Shivat’s abilities are pretty standard for a magic user, largely focused on energy preservation and improved healing. Enhanced Healing is great for keeping multiple characters alive, while Auto EP Recovery ensures that Shivat will have enough EP to stay in the fight. You can also pair Focus with Magicker’s Mettle to significantly reduce Shivat’s cooldown times.


a battle menu with a small figure in the middle wielding a staff. on the left is a portrait of a young man with white, short, wavy hair and a list of available attacks. on the right is a video demonstration of the attack selected from the list on the left. at the bottom of the screen are four smaller portraits over green health bars.
Screenshot via Square Enix
Convalescent CircleHeal all allies in the target area while the skill is active, and fill up the rescue gauge for incapacitated allies in the target area.
HealRestore 50% of a target’s max HP.
SanctuaryCreate a restorative area that gradually restores HP to allies within it.
Frenzied SoulDeal damage to enemies in the target area and restore part of that damage as HP to all allies in the target area.
Ice MissileConjure a block of ice on the target/ The block will fire icy arrows as the unit attacks. Has a chance to inflict freeze.
Flame WispConjure a ball of flame that circles around the target, potentially inflicting burn on those it strikes.
Lightning RodDeploy a lightning rod which deals damage at regular intervals to enemies in its target area, with a chance to inflict stun.


Healing BoostIncreases recovery amount.
Evasion BoostIncreases evasion.
Extend EffectExtends duration of continuous effects by 50%.
Enhanced HealingAllows you to heal yourself when healing others.
Soldier KillerDeals 1.2x damage to Soldier unit type.
FocusReduces cooldown time by 30%.
Auto EP RecoveryRecovers 1% EP every three seconds.
EP BoostIncreases EP by 10.
Magicker’s MettleReduces cooldown time for all allies by 10%.

The DioField Chronicle is available now for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.

Related: The DioField Chronicle: How To Play As Andrias

Image of Hayden Epstein
Hayden Epstein
Hayden is an avid gamer, writer, fitness enthusiast, and fan of speaking in the third person. He dabbles in most game genres, but his heart belongs to JRPGs. When not gaming, Hayden can be found working out, reading, watching television, or getting into heated political arguments with bots on Twitter.