Project Hero is an anime on Roblox based on the Japanese superhero manga known as My Hero Academia. There are a variety of different powers players can obtain, known as Quirks. These Quirks have different moves and abilities associated with them, and some are much more powerful than others. Here is a complete list of Project Hero Quirks, moves, and controls.
Check out our Project Heroes codes list to get free Quirk spins!
What are Quirks in Project Hero?
Quirks, or meta abilities, are special superhuman abilities, and they are common in the world of My Hero Academia. In the superhero manga, the first meta ability belonged to a baby in Qing Qing City and soon spread worldwide, empowering villains and superheroes alike. In Project Hero, there are four rarities of Quirks, which are:
- Common (45% Chance)
- Uncommon (30% Chance)
- Rare (17.5% Chance)
- Epic (6.5% Chance)
- Legendary (1% Chance)
The percent chance refers to the odds of getting it during each spin from Groody at the Quirk Lab.
How to get Quirks in Project Hero
To get Quirks in Project Hero, you can head to the Quirk Lab and spin for them. Speak with Dr. Mid Groody The Fruity, and use your spins to try your chances at obtaining a Quirk. You can get spins by using codes and by purchasing them for Robux. Each spin costs 20 Robux.
Project Hero Quirks
- Acid
- Electricity
- Explosion
- Gravity
- Half Hot Half Cold
- Hell FlameĀ
- Invisibility
- Leech
- Muscle Augmentation
- One For All
- Quirkless
- Super Regeneration
- Wood Manipulation
Acid is an Uncommon Quirk with the following moves:
- Z – Acid Spit
- X – Acid Slide
- C – Burn Barrage
- V – Acid Venom
Electricity is a Rare Quirk with the following moves:
- Z – Electric Bolt
- X – Shockwave Stomp
- C – Electric Eel
- V – 2,000,000 Volt Discharge
- B – Lightning Flash
Explosion is an Epic Quirk with the following moves:
- Z – Explosion Barrage
- X – Jet Burst
- C – Explosion Rush
- V – Explosive Surge
Gravity is a Rare Quirk with the following moves:
- Z – Heavy Rock
- X – Multiple Rocks
- C – Meteor Rush
- V – Float Rush
- B – Float Around
Half Hot Half Cold
Half Hot Half Cold is one of two Legendary Quirks with the following moves:
- Z – Ice Spikes
- X – Ice Slide
- C – Ice Floor
- V – Flame Fist
- B – Flame Pillar
- R – Flames Quake
Hell Flame
Hell Flame is an Epic Quirk with the following moves:
- Z – Flashfire Fist
- X – Jet Burn
- C – Flame Explosion
- V – Hell Volley
- B – Purgatory
- R – Hells Doom
Invisibility is a Common Quirk with the following moves:
- Z – Invis Cloak
- X – Invisibility Aura
- C – Warp Refraction
Leech is an Uncommon Quirk with the following moves:
- Z – Steal Health
- X – Steal Stamina
- C – Equalize Health
- V – Swap Leech
Muscle Augmentation
Muscle Augmentation is an Epic Perk with the following moves:
- Z – Shockwave Punch
- X – Augmentation
- C – Ground Smash
- V – Augmentation Leap
- B – Leaping Smash
One For All
One For All is one of two Legendary Perks with the following moves:
- Z – Deleware Smash
- X – Detriot Smash
- C – One For All Leap
- V – Full Cowling
- B – Manchester Smash
- N – St Louis Smash
- E – Vanishing Drive
- R – Deleware Air Force
- T – One Million Percent Smash
Quirkless means you have no Quirk, and that’s how you start out in Project Hero. There are no abilities associated with this Quirk. You can also spin this one, which basically results in a wasted spin, so avoid it if you can! At the lab, Quirkless is considered an Uncommon Perk.
- Quirkless has no abilities to list!
Super Regeneration
Super Regeneration is an Unknown Quirk with the following moves:
- Z – Health Borrow
- X – Stamina Pull
- C – Radius Help
- V – Add-On
Wood Manipulation
Wood Manipulation is an Unknown Quirk with the following moves:
- Z – Wood Track
- X – Wood Spike
- C – Wood Chains
Those are all the Project Hero Quirks for now, but there will be more added as time goes on. There are also notes that the developer will add more moves for some Quirks on the Trello page, which is where we’ve obtained most of this information.
Published: Dec 11, 2021 01:28 am