Mechanical Pokemon like Magnemite are truly an enigma, even more so in the distant past of Pokemon Legends Arceus. Presumably, its Electric typing is part of what animates it, but how does such a creature live in a time without electrical infrastructure. Let’s find out! For science! Here’s where to find Magnemite in Pokemon Legends Arceus.
Where to Find Magnemite in Pokemon Legends: Arceus
Due to its mechanical nature, Magnemite is not a naturally occurring Pokemon within the Hisui region, which means there’s nowhere you can find the things simply hanging out in the wild. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t get them. Magnemites only spawn within Space Time Distortions, specifically ones that appear within the Cobalt Coastlands.

How to Catch Magnemite
If and when you get the signal that a Space Time Distortion is forming within the Cobalt Coastlands, you should go there immediately and set yourself up in a hiding spot among the tall grass. When the Distortion appears in full, keep an eye on the Pokemon that will start appearing randomly. If a Magnemite appears, quickly throw a Poké Ball at it before it wanders off or despawns.
If you don’t catch it on the first throw, watch out; Magnemite is an aggressive Pokemon and will pick a fight with you if it figures out your hiding spot. As an Electric/Steel type, Magnemite is weak against Fighting, Ground, and Fire moves. Normal moves like False Swipe will affect it, though it is resistant to Normal type moves, so going that route may take a little while. If you’re trying that strategy, make sure to use a Pokemon that’s resistant to Steel and Electric moves so it can take some punishment while it whittles Magnemite down.
When Magnemite is weakened, throw a ball at it to catch it. Congrats, you’ve got a Pokemon that isn’t supposed to exist yet in Pokemon Legends Arceus!
Published: Feb 1, 2022 06:47 pm