There’s one crucial thing you need to do before Lightfall in Destiny 2, and you don’t even know it yet. This is more of a precaution than anything, but there’s a chance that not doing this could ruin your Lightfall experience – and no one wants that.
I’m going to go over this one crucial nugget of knowledge that you need to be heeding. You can ignore me, sure, but do that at your own peril.
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Destiny 2 Lightfall – Do This As Soon As Possible

Before Destiny 2 Lightfall, you’re going to want to take all your mods off of all your armor pieces. I know, that sounds like a lot – but hear me out. Bungie doesn’t exactly what the best track record when it comes to bugs, least of all when it comes to seasonal mods.
Season after season, we’ve seen armor pieces bug out thanks to depreciated mods being left on them. This has ended up being pretty annoying for a lot of players, removing their ability to socket certain seasonal mods into their armor pieces.
Now, those bugs were rampant when Bungie was simply transitioning from one set of seasonal mods to the next. Going into Lightfall, though, Bungie is overhauling the entire mod system, reworking most, if not all of the current armor mods in the game. A change this big on a system notorious for bugs is bound to cause issues.
There’s a chance, however small, that leaving old mods on your armor prevents you from slotting new mods into it. This is going to ruin your Lightfall experience, especially since this goes hand-in-hand with a complete rework of the builds system. You’ll want to avoid this at all costs, so take off your armor mods – just in case.
For all the Destiny 2 tips and tricks you could ever want going into Lightfall – follow Gamer Journalist on Facebook. We’ll keep you up to date on all things META.
Published: Feb 27, 2023 04:05 pm