How to transfer servers in New World

How to transfer servers in New World

New World Update 1.0.3 introduces the character server transfer feature to all players. It is being rolled out incrementally, but Amazon Games plans to make it fully available to all regions a few hours after the update goes live. To get prepared, you may be wondering how to transfer servers in New World. Luckily, they made the process very straightforward, so you’ll just need to follow a few simple steps.

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Before transferring servers, it’s important to note that all players only get one free transfer. Amazon Games may give additional opportunities to transfer for free, but it’s no guarantee. After you use your one free transfer, you will need to purchase another Character Transfer Token when they become available from the in-game store.

How to transfer servers in New World

To do a character transfer to a new server in New World, follow these steps:

  1. Log into the character that you want to transfer.
  2. Leave your company and remove any active Trading Post orders.
  3. Go to a settlement.
  4. Claim your Character Transfer Token at the in-game store.
  5. Select the new server.

You will keep all of your character progression, including levels, weapon masteries, titles, and quest progress. All of your inventory, storage, houses, decorations, and currency will also carry over to the new server. The only things that do not transfer are your company membership, Trading Post orders, and friends list. 

You can freely move to any server that is not full or in maintenance, and you may not move your character to a world set where you already have a character.

If you transfer your character to another server and wish to transfer it again, you must obtain another Character Transfer Token. Amazon Games will monitor populations and queue times and potentially grant additional tokens for free, but this is at their discretion. Character Transfer Tokens will eventually be available for purchase from the in-game store, and Amazon Games will give notice of this beforehand.

For more guides, builds, and walkthroughs, check our website’s New World section.

Image of Paul DeMarco
Paul DeMarco
Paul is a hardcore Call of Duty fan, but also enjoys a good survival battle royale game like Fortnite or PUBG. He's been a gamer since 2005 and doesn't plan to stop any time soon.