The first major free content update for New Pokemon Snap is finally upon us, and there are three new areas to check out. We have the Secret Side Path (Day/Night), Mightywide River (Day/Night), and Baaren Badlands (Day/Night). In this guide, we’ll show you how to find the Secret Side Path in New Pokemon Snap, so you can check out the new areas as soon as possible!
When you load up your game after updating, Phil will pull you aside in the Research Lab and mention a new feature for the NEO-ONE. There’s a clue with an image of a particular location, and if memory serves, you’ll know where to look!

Where to find the Secret Side Path in New Pokemon Snap
The Secret Side Path location in New Pokemon Snap is found in Florio Nature Park (Day) on Research Level 1. Proceed to the area near the dam, and angle your camera toward the left side of the path. If you recall the photo from Phil, you’re looking for a specific tree. You can find the tree immediately after spotting Dodrio on the left side of the path. Perform a scan, and press “X” on the secret path to activate it.

The NEO-ONE will shrink down to a miniature version so you can fit inside the hole under the tree. You will then be able to access the Secret Side Path, one of the three new areas in the New Pokemon Snap’s first content update. In the new Secret Side Path area, you’ll discover some new Pokemon like Shroomish and be able to photograph some new Pokemon behavior to fill out that PhotoDex!
Professor Mirror may be a little upset with you for using the Shrink Function without his permission, but he’ll get over it. You can now access the Secret Side Path (Day and Night) from the Research map on the main menu. I hope this guide helps you out. Good luck out there, and I hope you get some nice shots!
Published: Aug 5, 2021 08:47 pm