Frogs are adorable, aren’t they? From their slippery bodies to their doofy faces to their melodious croaks, it’s hard not to love the little guys. If you’re interested in making friends with frogs in Minecraft, it’s a pretty easy process. You just need to know where they live and what they like. Here’s where to find and tame frogs in Minecraft.
Minecraft: Where to Find Frogs
Frogs are passive mobs in Minecraft that hang out primarily in Swamp and Mangrove Swamp biomes. You can usually find them bouncing around in small bodies of water, either in the water itself or atop water-borne foliage like lily pads. Keep your ears open when you’re looking for them, as frogs will periodically let out a distinctive croak when sitting idle. Frogs don’t usually pick fights with anything bigger than them, so you don’t need to worry about drawing their hostility.
How to Tame Frogs
Technically speaking, you can’t actually tame a frog. There’s no way to permanently endear them to you. However, you can lure a frog to a particular location, and they don’t wander much, so as long as you provide what they need, they won’t have any reason to go anywhere.

To lure a frog somewhere, all you need is its favorite snack: Slimeballs, dropped by defeated Slime mobs. If you just hold a Slimeball in your hand while facing a frog, it’ll begin hopping in your general direction. Just keep the Slimeball in your hand and the frog in your field of view, and you can lead it pretty much anywhere you want.
Related: Minecraft – The Wild Update: Where to Find & Tame Allays
You can also feed a Slimeball to a pair of frogs to put them in Love Mode and have them breed. Doing this will produce a tadpole, which you can pick up in a bucket and bring elsewhere more easily. Just remember that, unlike frogs, tadpoles do require a body of water to live in. Depending on where you raise the tadpole, it can grow into a frog of one of three different colors. Those colors and a few of their associated biomes are as follows:
- Temperate Frogs (Orange): Moderate climates like Forests, Beaches, Plains, and Caves
- Cold Frogs (Green): Cold climates like Snowy Plains, Jagged Peaks, and the Deep Dark
- Warm Frogs (White): Hot climates like Jungles, Badlands, and Deserts
Lure a few frogs to your home and keep them happy with water and Slimeballs. You’ll have your own croaking chorus in no time!
Published: Jun 9, 2022 11:23 am