Here is your League of Legends URF tier list. With the release of Arcane last year, League of Legends has only gotten bigger and better. And LOL URF is the embodiment of that. Starting life as an April Fool’s prank back in 2014 and evolving into a real thing. The internet is magic like that. What sets URF apart from other League games is lack of mana restrictions and highly-reduced abilities’ cooldown. What that means in layman’s terms is, you can spam your specials, yo!
But the mode has become one of the most popular at tournaments, so developers just embraced it and it took on a life of its own. But a couple other things worth noting about URF is it’s only available for a limited time. Keep in mind, this tier list is in tandem with the most recent patch 11.19. update.
League of Legends URF Tier List for August 2022
S Tier
The S-tie rankings speak for themselves with only a glance. These are the best champions, hands down. Good at everything.
- Zed
- Yuumi
- Shaco
- Fizz
- Master Yi
- Nami
- Malphite
- Sona
- Kayle
- Vex
- Hecarim
- Morgana
- Wukong
- Annie
- Luz
- Ezreal
- Singed
- Kai’Sa
- Seraphine
- Syndra
- Ahri
- Lulu
- Sylas
- Graves
- Nocturne
- Lucian
- Twitch
- Trundle
- Soraka
- Lee Sin
- Orianna
- Shyvana
- Volibear
- Fiora
- Kog’Maw
- Teemo
- Malhazar
- Ekko
- Sivir
Related: How To Appear Invisible to Others While Playing LOL
A Tier
These champions just missed out on S tier for a myriad of reasons. Great champions, but not quite perfect.
- Maokai
- Tristana
- Vi
- Janna
- Veigar
- Jinx
- Jax
- Zyra
- Shen
- LeBlance
- Nasus
- Xin Zhao
- Vel’Koz
- Rengar
- Tryndamere
- Karma
- Jhin
- Heimerdinger
- Lissadndra
- Xayah
- Ziggs
- Skarner
- Viktor
- Caitlyn
- Zilean
- Cassiopeia
- Lillia
- Samira
- Blitzcrank
- Jarvan IV
- Diana
- Miss Fortune
- Warwick
- Talon
- Kha’Zix
- Corki
- Leona
- Zac
- Pyke
B Tier
Above average in some aspects, but not great alternatives.
- Aurelion Sol
- Vayne
- Ashe
- Nautilus
- Twisted Fate
- Rakan
- Rell
- Kennen
- Ivern
- Kayn
- Xertah
- Gragas
- Karthus
- Swain
- Zoe
- Neeko
- Galio
- Riven
- Akshan
- Nidalee
- Pantheon
- Jayce
- Taric
- Rumble
- Camille
- Illaoi
- Garen
- Dr. Mundo
- Yorick
- Cho’Gath
- Gangplanl
- Vladimir
- Ryze
- Amumu
- Tahm Kench
- Brand
- Kindred
C Tier
These champions are only useful in very certain and specific scenarios.
- Aatrox
- Katarina
- Sejuani
- Varus
- Poppy
- Rammus
- Renekton
- Draven
- Azir
- Kassadin
- Qiyana
- Evelynn
- Alistar
- Sett
- Bard
- Urgot
- Taliyah
- Darius
- Yone
- Elise
- Ornn
- Olaf
- Yasuo
D Tier
These champs are not worth your time. worst of the worst for LOL URF.
- Braum
- Udyr
- Anivia
- Fiddlesticks
- Gnar
- Quinn
- Mordekaiser
- Rek’Sai
- Kalista
- Nunu
- Aphelios
- Gwn
- Thresh
- Akali
- Viego
- Sion
It’s updated like URF mode that show why League of Legends is one of the biggest games in the world. But remember, LOL URF is not going to be around forever, so enjoy it while you can. Using the above tier list will surely help you maximize your fun.
Thank us later.
Published: Aug 2, 2022 04:01 pm