The MAD Lions have pushed Damwon KIA to the brink of exhaustion in a thrilling five game series that unlocked the legendary Silver Scrapes music. In the end, DWK took the series in 3 – 2 while absolutely routing MAD for the last two games.
League of Legends Mid-Season Invitational DWK vs MAD Semifinal Results
Here are the results for the LoL MSI DWK vs. MAD semifinals matchups:

Game of the Series
Game two had fans at the edge of their seats throughout the entire match. Although the kill count was not the highest for two of the most skilled teams in the tournament, the gold lead was close for the better part of 25 minutes. Both the early and mid games had teamfights across the board, with MAD able to secure three dragons and threaten soul point. The name of the game was Carzzy vs Ghost, with both teams aiming to protect their respective ADCs at all costs.
Towards the 27 minute mark, Carzzy was able to steal baron away from DWK but MAD were routed in turn. The result was a small gold lead gained for DWK but Baron was off the table. The Dragon Soul was less climatic, with support Beryl getting absolutely destroyed within a second by Carzzy before the contest even started. With Dragon Soul secured, MAD pushed the tempo while knowing the support was dead for another 20 seconds where Carzzy put on a masterclass performance before being sniped out by Ghost.
Credit has to go to DWK for absolutely rolling over MAD in the last two games. In game four, DWK secured a 10k gold lead by 20 minutes while in game five, DWK even broke the inhibitor sub 20 minutes. The reigning world champions have not lost their touch and will look to secure the MSI title against RNG tomorrow!
Published: May 22, 2021 05:34 pm