The term ‘infinite scaling’ refers to a specific skill of a character that can theoretically obtain an infinite quantity of the skill’s resource given unlimited time. The most common champions that come to mind are Veigar’s Phenomenal Evil, Nasus‘ Siphoning Strike, and Senna’s Absolution (souls). Breaking down the statistics for 11.8 and 11.9, we will look at how well certain champions scale into the late game by win rate.
It should come as no surprise that Senna has been a top-tier contender since her release. She can fill the support or ADC role splendidly and has infinite scaling on her souls, which ramp up damage, range, and after a while, crit chance. Although her mid-game clearly needs support, she lives up to the late game insurance policy moniker that hypercarries are known for.
In a cruel sense of humor, Senna is followed by Thresh, the one who captured Senna in his lantern. Similar to Senna, Thresh has been a mainstay support since his inception. Although he is technically an infinite scaler, those stats are not the main draw to pick the undead…ghost spirit warden thing. Thresh’s winrate is standardized across the timeline and is affected but not defined by his soul passive.
The tanky tankster of the bunch, Sion sees decent play in both solo queue and competitive. The hunk of a mountain has an infinite HP scaling on his W, Soul Furnace, which coincidentally scales off his total HP. Judging by his winrate graph, Sion eventually snowballs into an unstoppable ball of health as the game goes late.
Meeps are adorable little creatures that Bard abducts to fling at his opponents. And the caretaker can collect an infinite amount of them, increasing damage and slows up to a certain point before just stacking damage with them. Sadly for the mute horn player, Bard’s early game pressure paired with the diminishing returns of meep damage fall off later in the game.
The Noxus general’s passive allows for infinite stacking of HP as long as the player hits their skillshots accurately. Although there is the possibility for infinite stacking, Swain’s ability to proc his passive is on a hefty cooldown that is determined by his W and E. That being said, the half-bird maintains an up and down trend when looking at win rate by time.
In a surprising twist of fate, Kindred actually sees a decreased win rate as time goes on. Her infinite scaling refers to her ‘Hunt’ mechanic where she marks a target for death. As the game goes longer, it becomes more difficult for the lamb-hunter duo to secure their marks. This anomaly may be the reason Kindred is receiving buffs in the upcoming 11.9 patch.
Similar to Sion, Cho’gath obtains HP whenever he Feasts on an epic minion or champion. And as the game goes longer, this stat boost makes Cho a troublesome opponent as Feast also scales off Cho’s HP. Interestingly enough, Cho’s win rate falls drastically past the 40-minute mark.
Veigar is an interesting pick – his passive grants the yordle infinite AP scaling that is not difficult to ramp up. By the end of the graph, Veigar’s chances of winning increase significantly, but it is very surprising that this trend only spikes past the 35-minute mark.
The god of scaling since his inception, Nasus’ have highlight reels that include two shotting a turret. The Shuriman warrior steadily increases the damage of his Q every time he slays something with the ability. As one would expect, eventually being able to smash a tanky Sion or Cho’gath in a few hits would put him at a DEFCON 1 threat once late game hits.
Published: Apr 28, 2021 07:08 pm