In another thrilling five game series, Korean representative and reigning world champion Damwon KIA skirmished against the esteemed Chinese powerhouse of Royal Never Give Up. Many had expected that the finals would involve at least one of these two teams, with a good portion predicting this exact finals matchup. In the end, Royal Never Give Up triumphed in a 3 – 2 victory and are the 2021 League of Legends Mid-Season Invitational Champions!
League of Legends 2021 MSI Grand Finals – RNG vs DWK Results
Here are the results for the League of Legends 2021 MSI Grand Finals matchup:
Coincidentally, the blue side was favored by each team and was the only side in which teams won games in this series. There were no surprising pocket picks by any team but there were mildly interesting ones such as Jayce and Nocturne mid. There were stellar performances across the board from Khan on Lee Sin to Ghost’s pentakill to RNG’s complete dominance in Game 5.
MSI 2021 MVP

Gala earned the Oppo MVP reward, the first time that such a title has been given out at an MSI event. The young 20 year old performed spectacularly in his first international event, barring Demacia Cups. Sporting over a 5 KDA with his CS averaging around 10 per minute, Gala put the ‘carry’ in ‘ADC’.
As MSI Reykjavik draws to a close, some lessons have to be reiterated looking forward towards Worlds. North America is in dire straits, regions like the LJL, PCS, and LCO can be viable competitors, and the LPL is still a Tier 1 juggernaut that will produce fearsome competitors come September.
Published: May 23, 2021 06:22 pm