Now that MSI is winding down, Riot has to prepare the game balance for the upcoming Summer Splits for all regions. As such, they have a motley pot of changes implemented in 11.11 Here’s a look at the League of Legends 11.11 patch notes.
League of Legends 11.11 Patch Notes

- Azir
- Ezreal
- Hecarim
- Nautilus
- Ryze
- Seraphine
- Singed
- Teemo
- Elise
- Lee Sin
- Morgana
- Qiyana
- Rumble
- Shaco
- Leona
- Urgot
- Master Yi
- Senna
The largest takeaways from this long list of changes are Hecarim, Morgana, Nautilus, Rumble, and Senna. Hecarim was nerfed so hard last patch that the horse was functioning on two legs instead of his usual four. Riot is now carefully rebuffing the former S tier jungler while knocking Morgana and Rumble down a peg. Riot is also attempting to make Nautilus a jungler by using his E – Riptide as his focal point, something that was experimented with in earlier seasons.
Senna is TECHNICALLY in the ‘Both’ category, but she received a lot more buffs than nerfs. She received buffs in healing, her ghost movement, and her ultimate damage while receiving a 5 range nerf per 20 souls. Overall she will scale better but her range will be less oppressive at all stages of the game.
Items and Runes
- Warmog’s Armor
- Warden’s Mail
- Randuin’s Omen
- Frozen Heart
- Moonstone Renewer
- Black Cleaver
- Divine Sunderer
- Staff of Flowing Water
- Serpent’s Fang
- Bramble vest
- Frostfire Gauntlet
- Hail of Blades
- Biscuit Delivery
- Watchful Wardstone
- Vigilant Wardstone
Item wise, Bramble Vest took the largest hit because tanks usually bought the item in healing matchups and sat on it for 15 to 20 minutes. Warden’s Mail received a straight buff, now blocking a lot more damage than before – predictably, any item that builds from Warden’s Mail receives the same buffs. Hail of Blades received a 100% nerf in terms of cooldown while Biscuit Delivery no longer provides a large amount of refund gold.
The Wardstones are technically all buffs, but the reason they are put in the ‘Both’ category is that Riot has not addressed the ease of obtaining these items. Supports naturally deviate from lane and obtain less EXP throughout the game, so reaching level 13 for the chance to purchase this item over more immediately useful ones such as Staff of Flowing Water or Knight’s Vow is a rare occurrence.
Published: May 25, 2021 07:11 pm