Darkwood is just as mysterious as it is scary and tense. The oven may serve as an enigma for new players, as no matter what they try, they apparently cannot cook anything. The screen seems almost out of place for the game, and the player may go days without interacting with it again. Well, the oven serves a considerable purpose and must be utilized as often as possible by the player if they want to get better. here is how to use the oven in Darkwood.
What the Oven is Used for in Darkwood
Filling up the essence
The oven requires a certain set of items for you to ‘cook’ with it. Mushrooms. Some mushroom spots can be harvested, acquiring you an ‘odd-looking’ or glowing mushroom. Be careful not to step in mushroom spots, however, as you will get poisoned.
Make sure to not hang onto your mushrooms, or else they will rot and become useless.

With the mushrooms in your inventory, interact with the oven. You will be able to use the mushrooms to fill the oven, filling up the essences.
Mushrooms don’t grow back once harvested, at least not during the day. At night time, you may see some white swirls periodically show up in the darkness. Those indicate mushrooms. If you are daring, you can harvest them for the oven. Different mushrooms offer different essence counts.
Related: How to Upgrade a Workbench in Darkwood
Getting stronger
With an oven with full essence (you can go over the limit), you will instantly be brought to a ‘level-up’ screen, where you will be able to select from a number of abilities to enhance your character.

Read them all thoroughly. As you progress the game, you will unlock more abilities to choose from. You cannot revisit this screen outside of the single times you fill up the essences.
Once you have chosen your ability, select ‘confirm’. Your oven will now require a lot more essence to grant you a new ability.

So you better get foraging.
Keep an eye on Gamer Journalist for more gaming and Darkwood content, such as how to find wood.
Published: Oct 21, 2022 09:10 am