Path of Exile has taken a long road in the past almost 10 years since it has been released and now it’s one of the most exciting RPGs out there with almost limitless possibilities. As you progress through the game your character becomes more complex and the number of builds that you can use grows.
A big part of making a great hero build in PoE is choosing the right nodes in the Passive Skill Tree. Taking the right nodes at the right time, and choosing the best ways to construct your character’s buffs is an art so it’s best done carefully and in advance. In this article, we will explore how the skill tree planner can help you and give you a better overview of your characters in PoE.
Using Skill Tree Planner in Path of Exile

There are a couple of skill tree planners online that can help you plan out your future buffs. The main one is the planner on the official Path of Exile website. The skill tree on the PoE website allows you to select your character class, and ascension and lets you build from there. You can find the shortest path to the nodes of your choice while always being aware of how many points you have left.
For our example, we selected a Duelist with Champion Ascension and wanted to know what was the shortest path to the Admonisher nod. You can see the result above.
If you are a casual player and looking to familiarize yourself with some of the Passive skills of heroes you haven’t played much, this PoE Passive Skill Tree planner will definitely help you out.
Related: Path of Exile Classes Tier List, Ranked

However, there are many advanced players out there that require advanced skill tree planners. One such planner is called POEPLANNER and offers a wider range of things you can customize for your character. First of all, as in the official PoE planner, you have the ability to spend points on nods, and see the shortest paths to some of the ones that are further out. But, the big game changer here is that you are able to see live buffs that your character receives as soon as you pick a certain nod.
Every regular or ascendancy nod you select will be added up and the results displayed on the right side of the screen. We picked Warrior’s Blood and Untiring for our Marauder Juggernaut and we can see that he will gain +14 to Dexterity, +14 to Intelligence, and +82 to Strength (among other things) as a result. In it
In its other tabs, POEPLANNER allows you to add custom equipment and skill gems. In a similar fashion to the one described with the Passive Skill Tree, you will see all enhancements and adjustments your character will receive once those items are equipped.
Once you have selected all nods, equipment, and skill gems you can head out to the “Stats” tab and see complete stats for your created character. Armor, HP, Mana, Resistances to Elements, etc. will all be displayed there.
Last but not least, you can import your already existing character or import the one you created in POEPLANNER to share with others. Your account would have to be public in order for these options to work, so make sure you don’t forget that.
We hope this article will help you in your future endeavors with PoE. For more similar PoE content see our piece about the best place to farm currency or our article explaining the rarity colors. Follow Gamer Journalist on Facebook and get the latest news from the gaming world.
Published: Jan 24, 2023 08:43 am