Image Via Bay 12 Games

How to Use Minecarts in Dwarf Fortress?

Not Minecraft, Minecarts!

The inclusion of mining in a game called Dwarf Fortress is a no-brainer. Don’t get me wrong, creating a full resource and an in-game periodic table full of all the material you will find while exploring the dwarves mines is quite a feat. And the folks at Bay 12 Games have a masterpiece on their hands. Using carts in situations like these are is incredibly efficient time-wise. Furthermore, they can also be life-saving, since conditions are not always the best in caves where smelting is a regular activity. You don’t want dead or crazy dwarves walking through your base. That happens, really. I’m not making this stuff. But mostly, it will make sure your dwarves distribute your resources across your base. Anyway, here is how to use minecarts in Dwarf Fortress.

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How to Use Minecarts in Dwarf Fortress?

Hauling an item by carrying it with your own hands is always counterproductive. For that reason, the usage of minecarts, that usually carry heavy metal ores, is mandatory 100% of the time. No wonder, then, that in a game as vast and full like Dwarf Fortress, it incorporates this mechanic to its core resource management. After all, this will impact positively on your dwarf adventure. Just be sure to read on to know the caveats of minecarts usage. Here is how to use minecarts in Dwarf Fortress:

  • In order to use a minecart, you will, of course, have to construct one. You can do that in either a Carpenter’s Workshop or a Metalsmith’s Forge.
    • Carpenter’s Workshop: crafted out of wood.
    • Metalsmith’s Forge: crafted out of 2 metal bars.
  • If you wish for the minecart to move, you will have to carve or construct a track. Carving is less expensive than construction, but there are some terrains that cannot be carved. Use a combination of both when needed.
  • You will also need to build stops where your minecart will stop and start its travel.
  • When you have done all of that, you will have to create logic routes. This is possible by using the hauling key. This means, telling the cart where to go and how does its movement get initiated.
    • One way to move a minecart is to push it, which means that a dwarf will stand at a stop and give it a single push.
    • The other way to move a minecart it o guide it, meaning that a dwarf will continually move the minecart forward, providing guidance along the track.
  • You can also specify which items can be loaded and unloaded, and also signal to which stockpile should they go or come from.
  • Take into account the weight capabilities of each minecart type (oaken, iron, copper and platinum minecart) as well as the difference in weight of each item or material being carried by the minecart.

Related: What to Do if Your Dwarf has a Fell Mood in Dwarf Fortress

Be sure to make the best out of your minecarts and carve or construct the best tracks you can do. Carry your items across your base, and assign your dwarves to guide or push those carts across the tracks. Managing your stops will also guarantee the best resource management possible. Just assign those items to the carts and you’ll be good to go. Don’t worry, it is easier than it appears. You will have a good time. Or, at least, I hope so. Good luck!

Dwarf Fortress, with updated graphics and content, is available on Windows. Please check out Gamer Journalist on Facebook to join the discussion and keep up to date with our content. You might also like to check out or guides on What to do when your Dwarf Falls into a secretive mood in Dwarf Fortress and How to get drinkable water in Dwarf Fortress.

Image of Alejandro Josan
Alejandro Josan
A musician with a heart of a gamer, Alejandro's life has always been accompanied by adventures on Nintendo platformers, countless hours of fantasy RPGs and several third-party FPSs. Currently, he is studying Game Design and Development, preparing for a long career in the video game industry.