In its normal gameplay, Elden Ring is what I like to call a “co-optional” game. You can call up friends or randos to assist you with bosses and such, but whether or not they actually help depends on how they’re feeling. If you’d like a more regimented multiplayer experience, then let’s visit the Colosseum! Here’s how to to team up and play with friends in Elden Ring‘s Colosseum.
How to Team Up and Play with Friends in Elden Ring Colosseum
Elden Ring features three Colosseums where you can engage in PvP combat challenges. Each of these Colosseums offers slightly different rule options.
- The Limgrave Colosseum offers United Combat, a Team Deathmatch, and Combat Ordeal, a free-for-all battle.
- The Caelid Colosseum offers United Combat and Combat Ordeal, as well as the one-on-one Duel Mode. This is also the only Colosseum where you can use Spirit Ashes.
- The Royal Colosseum, located in Leyndell, only offers Duel Mode.
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All three of these Colosseums feature random matchmaking by default, but you can also set things up to play with your friends. Or against them, if you’re into that.
Teaming Up at a Colosseum

To play on a team with your friends, you’ll first need to set up a Group Password. Open your pause menu and go to the Multiplayer menu. Under the regular password box, you’ll see several boxes for group passwords. All players using the same password in a particular box will be considered part of the same group, so set your password and make sure your friends know it.
Once you’re all in the same group, you and your friends need to visit the same Colosseum in your particular game instance and queue for a United Combat match. Since you’re in the same group, you’ll automatically be teamed up together. One match can host up to six players, three on each team. If you enter with two friends, you’ll be teamed up and pitted against a team of randos. If you want certain people to be on certain teams, set up an individual password along with the group password and queue up at the same time.
Alternatively, if you want to battle against your friends, follow the same procedure, but queue for Combat Ordeal instead. You’ll all be placed into the same match, but as free-for-all opponents rather than teammates.
The Colosseums are a great way to kill some time, sharpen your skills, and style on both friends and strangers. Hey, it can’t be any worse than fighting Malenia.
Published: Dec 7, 2022 10:54 am