Darkwood‘s main challenge comes when the sun falls. Without the light, many abhorrent creatures come out the dark to search, hunt, and slaughter. You will not be safe, and you will certainly die. The only thing you can do is hunker down, and hope that nothing gets too curious. Here is how to survive the night in Darkwood.
How to survive the night in Darkwood
Before the suns falls
Your only spot of safety in Darkwood is your hideout. The only unfortunate thing is that there are many windows and doors that can easily be walked through, and a gaping hole in the wall.
You will need to fortify your hideout. Using wood and nails, create barricades first in the bedroom, as that is a great spot to hide in the early game. There are three windows, try to barricade them all.

Then barricade the rest of the windows as and when you can. You will not be able to do this all in one night.
You can barricade the doors if you wish, but then you won’t be able to walk through them. This article will highlight a certain trick you can use which will actually mean you don’t necessarily have to.
Related: How to Get Wood in Darkwood
Despite your efforts, even after barricading every entrance in the hideout, there is still the hole that creatures will be more than happy to walk through. Thankfully, in Darkwood, you can move furniture by walking into them.

Walking into the large wardrobe, you can push it right over the hole, blocking it. Creatures will still most likely just move it forwards and walk in, however, so just know that you will never be able to block off the threat of monsters completely.
With your hideout fortified, or at least less porous, walk over to your generator and check there is enough fuel in it. The generator resides in a little building all on its own to the right of the hide out. Going up to it will reveal its remaining fuel. Try to always keep it more than half-full.
Your generator is vital to your survival. Before night, every night, you must turn it on to turn the lights off (make sure it is turned off during the day to prevent fuel waste). The lights will ward away some creatures, potentially saving your life.

To refill the generator, equip a tank of gasoline and hold right click next to it. Hover the mouse over the generator and hold the ‘refill’ button to pour fuel into it.
With the generator fueled and your hideout hopefully barricaded, run inside, close all the doors behind you, and go into the bedroom. Stand to the right of the door and next to the bed and face into the wall. This is where you will stay for the night.
After the moon rises
During the night, do not attempt to go outside. There will be many, many creatures waiting to slaughter you. As you hide, you may hear creatures outside and twigs snapping. Just ignore it. You may hear tapping on your window. Just ignore it. You may hear creatures walking inside of your house. Just ignore it.
If your bedroom door opens, you will then have room for concern. Only moving your character if you have to, reach over and close the door.
You will most likely be visited by a creature of the night. If your windows in your bedroom aren’t barricaded, at least one will most likely leap through. If that happens, stay calm and equip your weapon. You will have to fight to the death. After the savage is dead, just return to your post.

If a creature barges through the bedroom door, just stay still, even if it eventually notices you. With your door swung open, you are covered by the bed and the door, so the enemy will just charge into the door, but will get stuck. You can then wait out the night without conflict from that creature, as when you move to the next day, all creatures disappear.
Keep an eye on Gamer Journalist for more gaming and Darkwood content, such as how to upgrade a workbench.
Published: Oct 21, 2022 08:48 am