How to Customize your Wand
Image Via Avalanche Software

How to Retake Wand Quiz (House Quiz) on Wizarding World

Can You Turn Back Time?

In Hogwarts Legacy, you can earn a slew of rewards for linking your Wizarding World account. Specifically, players can earn robes dependent on the Hogwarts house you’re sorted into. These results are determined by a quiz that can seemingly be taken only once. But, is there a way to take this quiz again?! Read on to learn how to retake this quiz, especially if you don’t like what house you were sorted into.

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How to Retake Wand Quiz (House Quiz) on Wizarding World

It might sound odd, but … the only way to retake the quiz on Wizarding World is by deleting your account. If you feel the need to do a hard reset on not just your sorted house, but also your wand and Patronus, deleting your account and re-taking the quiz is your best bet. But, unlike other platforms, it would seem that it’ll let you re-use the same email. So you won’t be forced to make a ton of dummy email addresses.

To delete your account, you’ll have to navigate to your Wizarding World profile, then enter the SETTINGS page. In ACCOUNT SETTINGS, you’re looking for the DELETE YOUR ACCOUNT option at the very bottom, underneath FAQ and LOGOUT.

You’ll have to jump through a few hoops to confirm this is what you want, but as soon as your account is deleted, simply re-register using the same email and you’ll be able to take the quiz again. Of course, you can always save yourself the time and energy and just make a new account using a new email and avoid the account deletion process. But, there are reasons why you might not want to do that.

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Image of James Herd
James Herd
James has been playing games for as long as he can remember. His first game was either The Lion King or The Mask for the SNES. He has since grown into the biggest apologist for JRPGs and he wants to be Yoko Taro for Halloween.