Dead Space has made an epic return on new generation consoles and PC. Players who never got the chance to experience the original get to now with a faithful remake. In true Survival Horror fashion, players need to strategically think about what to take with them as the levels progress. Similar to that of Resident Evil with its limited inventory space. There is a lot to collect as you play through the game, including Suit schematics to increase your inventory size. Depending on which difficulty you are playing the game on may determine what you choose to bring with you through this horrifying adventure. This is our guide on how to effectively use the inventory you have in Dead Space.
Inventory Management Guide: Upgrading the RIG
As you naturally progress through Dead Space, players will have the opportunity to increase their inventory space. By collecting higher levelled RIG Suit schematics. Schematics are found throughout the Levels. Once obtained you can return to the Store to purchase the Suit, increasing both your Armor and Inventory Space. The Suit schematics are not to be slept on in Dead Space. As inventory space will be crucial to your survival.

For those that are playing the Remake after mastering the original, the process of upgrading your RIG has not changed. But for those just getting started with the Dead Space universe, you will want to keep an eye out for RIG upgrades via their schematics. Isaac starts with a Level 1 RIG and can purchase the first upgrade via the Store. Level 3 onwards requires players to find the schematic and then go on to purchase the suit at the Store. For players looking for the first schematic (Level 3: Intermediate Engineer RIG), you can find this in Chapter 4. You need to take the Bridge Atrium Elevator to Floor 5 and head towards ADS Cannons. The room you are searching for is the EVA Prep Room. The schematic is located on the bench.
Inventory Management Guide: Prioritizing Resources
Depending on the difficulty you are playing on will determine what resources you prioritize. For example, those playing on a harder difficulty may wish to carry medium to large Med Packs as opposed to Small Med Packs. You should also prioritize stacks of Ammo over Stasis but for those on a lower difficulty, Stasis may be more appropriate to hold onto. However keep in mind that Stasis is something that is easily replenishable at Refill Stations. Meaning that you may want to hold onto a lot of Ammo for the Pistol and keep Med Packs for solid health regeneration. We recommend that at the beginning of the game, you have your Weapon in 1 slot, 3 Ammo Stacks, 1 Stasis Stack, 2 Medium Med Packs as a starting point.
As you obtain more weapons, we recommend that you never equip all 4 weapons as that will limit your space massively. Instead, equip 3 at most and sell on the ammo on the weapons you are not using often. As there will naturally be space left over for resources that you will pick up through the Levels, keep an eye out for small and large Med Packs to sell on, whilst also collecting items that are not crucial to your survival but can be sold on for Suit and Health upgrades.
That is our guide on maximizing your Inventory at the beginning of the game and where to get RIG schematic upgrades in Dead Space Remake. For more Dead Space content, feel free to look at How to Hide Disturbing Scenes in Dead Space or How to Find the Data Board in Dead Space. Follow us on Facebook for more horror content as the fun for Isaac Clarke is just getting started once more.
Published: Jan 27, 2023 11:31 am