Sometimes just searching for that telepathic Pokémon does you absolutely no favors. Yes, you can spend that time going to those great spots that those Trainers boast all about, but what about all of the other Pokémon Types that appear? I have grown tired of seeing Lechonk or those useless multi-colored Squawkabilly. Sometimes it is nice to get away from it all, to quiet down the scenery and just take a moment to focus on what is important.
A mindfulness practice if you will. To do so, we need a little bit of loving on the checked Picnic table and some of that mindfulness you learned from Abra. Zen out the other Pokémon Types with the Psychic Shiny Sandwich. Increase your Shiny odds tremendously with the Scarlet and Violet Sandwiches. This is Vincent’s guide on how to make a Psychic Shiny Sandwich.
What is a Psychic Shiny Sandwich?
Of all the new features added to the Pokémon series throughout the years, the Picnic had me second-guessing the realism of all of it. Yes, capturing animals and placing them inside a metal ball to fight other captured animals did not leave me with as many questions as the Picnic function did. Just how was it possible that eating a Shiny Sandwich could make all Pokémon Types aside from one completely vanish? It was an interesting phenomenon and one that many players around the world went immediately into experimentation. Those random, initially useless Herba Mystica you found in your trials and tribulations with your Koraidon/ Miraidon would actually prove to be the most useful product in the game. These special herbs would be the reason you would be able to hone in on your Pokémon hunting skills and explicitly search for a single Typing.
The Shiny Sandwich has been meticulously crafted to provide Meal Powers that boost your chances of finding Shiny Pokémon. Its magical powers to make all other Pokémon vanish means that your search for a Shiny Psychic Pokémon is a whole lot easier now that you can literally only see and find wild Psychic Pokémon.
Psychic Shiny Sandwich Recipes
- Simple Psychic Shiny Sandwich Recipe – x1 Onion, x1 Salty Herba Mystica & x1 Sour Herba Mystica.
- Intermediate Psychic Shiny Sandwich Recipe – x1 Onion, x1 Cheese, x1 Herbed Sausage, x1 Salty Herba Mystica & x1 Spicy/Sour/Sweet Herba Mystica.
- Expert Psychic Shiny Sandwich Recipe – x2 Onion, x1 Prosciutto, x1 Red Bell Pepper, x1 Green Bell Pepper, x1 Yellow Bell Pepper, x1 Spicy Herba Mystica & x1 Bitter Herba Mystica.
Keep in mind, however, that the effect of these Shiny Sandwiches only last for 30 minutes at a time. So if you have a specific Shiny Pokémon in mind, you will want to pop this at their popular spot in Paldea. You will not want to be searching across the land high and low when it is not a common spawning point for the Pokémon you are after. Be sure to check out all of our Shiny-related content for Scarlet and Violet here. This includes both Shiny Pokémon Type locations and Shiny Sandwich recipes.
For those who are not used to crafting Sandwiches, we highly recommend starting with the Intermediate Psychic Shiny Sandwich. This is because you will need to find the appropriate Herba Mystica to use and these can only be found through Tera Raids.
It does not matter which Recipe you end up picking as all give the x3 Meal Powers: Encountering, Sparkling and Title. This guide will not only show you where to find and buy the basic ingredients needed for these Recipes, but also how to obtain Herba Mystica with tips on the best method to use to farm these herbs.
Where to Get Onion
The key ingredient in all Psychic Shiny Sandwich Recipes is Onion. Do not get this confused with Red Onion which you can pick up early in the game in Mesagoza. Onion is purchasable in the Artisan Bakery stalls in both Mesagoza and Porto Marinada. You can also buy Onion in the Aquiesta Supermarket in Levincia for 130 Pokémon Dollars. Refer to the screenshots below for the location of both Artisan Bakery in Mesagoza and Aquiesta Supermarket.

Where to Get Cheese
Cheese is another common ingredient used in a few Shiny Sandwich Recipes, predominately as a key ingredient for the Intermediate variation. Cheese cost 120 Pokémon Dollars and is purchasable in both Artisan Bakery and Aquiesta Supermarket. Players can pick up both Onion and Cheese in Artisan Bakery at any location that houses these ingredients. These are the Artisan Bakeries in Mesagoza and Porto Marinada, and the Aquiesta Supermarket in Levincia.
Where to Get Herbed Sausage
For the Psychic Shiny Sandwich, players can easily obtain all of the common ingredients inside the Mesagoza food stalls. These are all located on the western-side of the central Paldean city. The Herbed Sausage, used in the Expert Psychic Shiny Sandwich Recipe is located only in Deli Cioso. This is the most expensive Shiny Sandwich ingredient a player can purchase, with its price at 400 Pokémon Dollars. Players can also pick up the Bell Peppers and Prosciutto needed for the Expert Recipe at Deli Cioso and move on to obtaining the Herba Mystica required to complete this recipe. The exact location of Deli Cioso in Mesagoza is circled in the screenshot below.

How to Get Herba Mystica
Players can farm Herba Mystica in the post-game of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. Although, this process may take a while due to the scarcity of the items. In order to get to the post-game, players must:
- Obtain 18 Badges.
- Defeat the Final Boss.
- Watch the credits to gain access to the post-game.
In the post-game, players need to gain access to both 5- and 6-Star Raids. Do these steps to unlock these features:
- Revisit and defeat the Gym Leaders.
- Compete in and complete Academy Ace Tournament.
- After completion, you will unlock 5-Star Raids
- Beat 15 5-Star Tera Raids to unlock 6-Star.
With all Raids unlocked, players now need to find the relevant Tera Pokémon which can drop Herba Mystica. These are listed below. This is where players should start in their search. However, these only give a small chance of Herba Mystica dropping. With 24% in 5-Star and 28% in 6-Star. For players getting started, we recommend that they fight 5-Star Raids as the increased difficulty in 6-Star is not worth the 4% drop chance increase.
Related: Best Pokémon Builds to Use in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet 5 and 6-Star Tera Raids.
Unless you have become an expert at battling Tera Pokémon, you should focus on fighting 5-Star Pokémon first. If you run out of 5-Star Raids that day, switch to 6-Star Raids. However, we recommend going in with a strong, minimum Level 85 team to take on these Pokémon.
Salty Herba Mystica Raid Pokémon
- Amoonguss
- Avalugg
- Blissey
- Cetitan
- Corviknight
- Dondozo
- Garganacl
- Hippowdon
- Orthworm
Sweet Herba Mystica Raid Pokémon
- Amoonguss
- Blissey
- Cetitan
- Dondozo
- Goodra
- Slowking
- Tinkaton
Spicy Herba Mystica Raid Pokémon
- Amoonguss
- Annihilape
- Blissey
- Breloom
- Bombirdier
- Baxcalibur
- Cetitan
- Ceruledge
- Dragonite
- Dondozo
- Garchomp
- Gallade
- Gyarados
- Kingambit
- Mabostiff
- Revavroom
- Scizor
- Salamence
- Staraptor
- Tauros
- Tyranitar
Sour Herba Mystica Raid Pokémon
- Amoonguss
- Armarouge
- Blissey
- Clawitzer
- Cetitan
- Dondozo
- Glimmora
- Gardevoir
- Gengar
- Magnezone
- Volcarona
As previously mentioned, this process may be slow and require a lot of patient due to the Herbs rarity. Even when focussing on the Tera Pokémon with the Herba Mystica chances, players still may not obtain the Herbs for a long time. Therefore, there is another set of Pokémon to target in your search. Whilst this list is much smaller, the Pokémon listed below have the chances of 76% in 5-Star and 83% in 6-Star to drop Herba Mystica. If you are lucky enough to find these, you must battle as these are highly likely to drop the Herbs needed to complete the Psychic Shiny Sandwich.
The Pokémon with a 76% chance of dropping Herba Mystica are:
5-Star Raid Pokémon
- Gengar
- Blissey
- Glalie
- Drifblim
- Amoongus
- Eelektross
- Dondozo
- Palafin
- Cetitan
The Pokémon with a 83% chance of dropping Herba Mystica are:
6-Star Raid Pokémon
- Blissey
- Amoongus
- Vaporeon
- Dondozo
- Farigiraf
- Cetitan
Whilst the chances are highest with six 6-Star Tera Pokémon listed above, we recommend tackling the 9 5-Star Tera Pokémon first. These Pokémon have the highest odds in dropping Herba Mystica and should be your first stop in your search.
For more Pokémon Scarlet and Violet content, be sure to see all of our GJ related guides here. Thank you for reading this article!
Published: Jun 12, 2023 03:00 pm