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How to Grow Plants and Resources in Starfield – Greenhouse Outpost Build

Making use out of your green thumb

The planets are made bare for a reason as each galaxy calls your name forth to explore, gather and farm Resources. But the hunt for Resources can be a long one if you 1. do not know where to look, or 2. only use the Cutter to harvest materials. Resource gathering actually holds multiple opportunities for players looking to farm specific Resources, be it for your Outpost or to upgrade specific items in your arsenal such as Weapons or Armor. But you would be surprised just how much Plants (Fauna) can achieve in Starfield. These harvested can actually grant you with stripped back Resources that you can use or can be farmed to increase specific Starfield Skills. If you want to know how to grow Plants, this is Vincent’s guide on how to make a Greenhouse in Starfield.

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Greenhouse Requirements for Outpost Build

A very important first step before you even begin finding a Planet you want to begin harvesting and growing plants at is to place a few Skill Points into the Outpost Engineering Science Skill. This is a Tier 3 Skill and requires multiple Ranks in order to craft a Greenhouse successfully. You should at this point already have time and points placed into Botany Science Skill (Tier 2) as this increases your chances of finding unique and rarer species of Plants, whilst increasing your drop rate chances of Resources gathered from Plants you harvest.

Now that you have the relevant Skills needed to begin building, growing and harvesting, you need to gather all relevant materials needed to craft Outpost structures – in this case, the Greenhouse. You will need to visit these Vendors to gather the resources needed for the Outpost. These Resources are relevant to both making the Greenhouse and other essential structures needed to achieve 100% Planet Survey on your chosen Planet for Plant farming:

  • Adaptive Frames – Amoli Bava (New Atlantis, Jemison), Dietrich Sieghart (Sieghart’s Outfitters, Neon), Wen Tseng (New Atlantis, Jemison), and Zoe Kaminsky (Trade Authority, New Atlantis, Jemison).
  • Aluminium – Amoli Bava (New Atlantis, Jemison), Dietrich Sieghart (Sieghart’s Outfitters, Neon), and Saburo Okadugbo (Neon).
  • Benzene – Amoli Bava (New Atlantis, Jemison), Wen Tseng (New Atlantis, Jemison), Diestrich Sieghart (Sieghart’s Outfitters, Neon), and Manaaki Almonte (Trade Authority, Cydonia, Mars).
  • Beryllium – Amoli Bava (New Atlantis, Jemison), Dietrich Sieghart (Sieghart’s Outfitters, Neon), and Wen Tseng (New Atlantis, Jemison).
  • Chlorine – Amoli Bava (New Atlantis, Jemison), Dietrich Sieghart (Sieghart’s Outfitters, Neon), and Wen Tseng (New Atlantis, Jemison).
  • Copper – Amoli Bava (New Atlantis, Jemison), Dietrich Sieghart (Sieghart’s Outfitters, Neon), Saburo Okadugbo (Neon), and Wen Tseng (New Atlantis, Jemison).
  • Fluorine – Amoli Bava (New Atlantis, Jemison), Dietrich Sieghart (Sieghart’s Outfitters, Neon), and Wen Tseng (New Atlantis, Jemison).
  • Iron – Amoli Bava (New Atlantis, Jemison), Dietrich Sieghart (Sieghart’s Outfitters, Neon), Saburo Okadugbo (Neon), and Wen Tseng (New Atlantis, Jemison).
  • Metabolic Agent – Amoli Bava (New Atlantis, Jemison), Dietrich Sieghart (Sieghart’s Outfitters, Neon), Wen Tseng (New Atlantis, Jemison), and James Newill (Newill’s Goods, Neon).
  • Nickel – Amoli Bava (New Atlantis, Jemison), Dietrich Sieghart (Sieghart’s Outfitters, Neon), Saburo Okadugbo (Neon), and Wen Tseng (New Atlantis, Jemison).
  • Nutrient – Amoli Bava (New Atlantis, Jemison), Jemison Mercantile (New Atlantis, Jemmison), and Denis Averin (Cydonia, Mars)
  • Reactive Gauges – Dietrich Sieghart (Sieghart’s Outfitters, Neon), and Zoe Kaminsky (Trade Authority, New Atlantis, Jemison).
  • Sealant – Amoli Bava (New Atlantis, Jemison), Jemison Mercantile (New Atlantis, Jemison), and UC Exchange (Cydonia, Mars).
  • Tungsten – Amoli Bava (New Atlantis, Jemison), Dietrich Sieghart (Sieghart’s Outfitters, Neon), Saburo Okadugbo (Neon), and Wen Tseng (New Atlantis, Jemison).

Be sure to use the seating area close by to the Vendors to reset their stock by skipping 24 in-game hours. If this does not work try 1-3 day skips. We have listed all Vendors available in Starfield that hold these items so you should be able to buy what you need for the build. If you do not want to spend the money but want to farm Resources, take a look at our guide: How to Mine Large Deposits for harvesting large amounts of Resources using the Extractor.

Related: How to Pick Up and Move Items Around in Starfield.

Refer below for the exact number of materials needed for each item.

Building the Greenhouse in Starfield

As you need a ton of storage for this build, be sure to extend your Cargo Hold with StorMax Cargo Holds. This is crucial for those looking to create multiple Outposts and different structures to farm Resources. Next, you need to actually find a habitable Planet that is thriving in plant life. When finding your perfect Planet for farming Flora, be sure to refer to the FLORA Tab under the Starmap Planet Overview before you land.

This is where your Greenhouse begins. Head to the biome on the Planet where Flora is thriving. Once you have landed, use the Scanner to locate plant life. To begin the build, place an Outpost down and use this Outpost Build Mode to find the structure needed to harvest large quantities of Resources. Go to Crafting and select Research Lab (requires x2 Aluminium, x1 Copper, and x1 Beryllium). Select and research Horticulture which will use a ton of your Resources purchased from Vendors or harvested off Planets.

You then need a Industrial Workbench for this Outpost (requires x2 Aluminium and x1 Iron). This is needed to craft x8 Mag Pressure Tank (requires x2 Aluminium and x1 Nickel) for Horticulture Buildings which act as Greenhouses in Starfield. After making this, you will note that it cannot be placed in your Outpost. To place the Horticulture Building you will need to 100% Planet Survey by using the Scanner and finding all Fauna, Flora, and Resources. You can use a Scan Booster under Miscellaneous Tab in Outpost Build (requires x2 Aluminium, x1 Copper, and x1 Beryllium) to help you get 100% on the Planet faster.

If you use the Scan Booster, you will need either Solar Arrays or Wind Turbines to power this structure. When researching the Flora in the area, check to see if you can produce more of the same species of plant by checking the scan details under the Plant Name with the Scanner equipped. If ‘Outpost production allowed‘ can be seen, you can begin the build for the Greenhouse. Now when you check the Outpost Build Mode you will find a Greenhouse under the Builders Tab (requires x2 Fluorine, x1 Reactive Gauge, x2 Adaptive Frame, x1 Sealant).

How to Grow Plants in Starfield

With the Greenhouse, you can use the Solar or Wind power to charge this structure. The console outside of the Greenhouse will tell you what Resources are available to be harvested through the production of Plants. These can only be farmed if you have 100% explored the Planet, specifically the Flora. What you need to do now is create a Water Extractor (requires x2 Aluminium, x2 Nickel, and x1 Iron). This requires Liquid Storage (requires x3 Aluminium, x2 Nickel, and x1 Adaptive Frame) in order to harvest Water that you pull directly from the Planet. Make sure that your storage is linked to the Extractor and Greenhouse. Finally, use Solid Storage (requires x2 Aluminium, x1 Adaptive Frame, and x3 Iron) and link this to Greenhouse so that everything you make gets placed directly into storage.

Now that the Greenhouse is in full use, everything that you have researched by scanning the Planet and its Flora will be available to craft inside the Greenhouse and transferred directly into Resources that you can transfer outside of the Storage and into your Personal Inventory to take with you.

That was our full guide on building a Greenhouse in Starfield for Flora farming. For more on this game, be sure to see all of our GJ coverage at the Starfield Section found here. Thank you for reading this guide.

Image of Hadley Vincent
Hadley Vincent
Hadley is a Freelance Writer for Gamer Journalist. They have been with the company since October 2022. With a BSc Honors in Psychology, Hadley focuses their creativity and passion for Video Games by primarily covering Horror, FPS, and anything with a great narrative. You will often find Hadley covering the latest indie horror games or deploying into Call of Duty's DMZ. They love a good story and one that can keep them up at night, be that for its scares or its lore.