If you want a gripping, terrifying, immersive and crazy game, then Darkwood is for you. During the day, you must scavenge and creep around, meeting people and collecting resources. But just remember, nothing comes easy. For new players, it may be difficult to understand why wood isn’t just littered around, and why it seems difficult to gather resources. Wood is one of the most important, so here is how to find wood in Darkwood.
How to find wood in Darkwood
Scavenging in the wild
One of the primary ways to get wood is through doing it yourself. You are taught in the prologue that an axe can make light work of a wooden log. But axes aren’t exactly available in the early game, and you can’t simply craft one.
You will have to make do with finding it in containers, or in crates, or scattered about. Naturally, finding wood through scavenging is a finite thing, so make sure to put all the wood you find this way to good and frugal use.
Do note that the Dry Meadow has two logging camps scattered around, which is a jackpot for finding wood. See the landmark highlighted in red:

Also note that crates require lockpicks, so make sure to craft some if you intend on exploring else you won’t be able to get their content, and they won’t be marked on the map.
Related: How to Upgrade a Workbench in Darkwood
If you are still struggling, just wait for the second night to pass. A trader will appear in your house, and time will freeze to allow trading. Every day, you will gain 100 reputation, which is used to trade. You can sell items to gain reputation, and can save your reputation up to buy more items.
The trader will restock his wares every day. For the early game, you can buy up to 15 wood planks, for 6 reputation a plank. This is a great deal of wood, as it can form many barricades and can upgrade the workshop for the first level.

Before trading, make sure you know exactly how much wood you need, to save up reputation for potential future buys.
Keep an eye on Gamer Journalist for more gaming and Darkwood content.
Published: Oct 20, 2022 02:04 pm