Throughout your time staking vampires in Redfall, you’re going to come across a fair share of safe houses. These are places that the player can catch their breath, interact with their fellow survivors, and even find some interesting side quests. However while every safe house is different, there is one thing that they have in common. The ability to hunt and take down the Underboss of each respective area. These are not your average vampire, and each one will require you to put a bit more thought into how you fight them in order to defeat them. So let’s sharpen our stakes and figure out how to get Underboss skulls in Redfall.
How to Get Underboss Skulls in Redfall

There are a total of 13 safehouses around the town of Redfall, with 5 of them being in Redfall Commons, and 8 located in Burial Point. But before you can start tracking down these beefier vampires, there are a few things you’ll need to make sure you take care of. Firstly, you’ll need to complete the base mission required in order to unlock a safehouse. After doing so, you’ll then get another optional quest, tasking you with taking down the Underboss vampire in the area.
Related: Where to Find the Basswood Safehouse Key in Redfall – Location Guide
These vampires aren’t your run of the mill vamps you will find scattered around the map. Since they have been placed in charge of certain areas around Redfall by the Vampire Gods, these guys are boasting some unique abilities that you won’t see from any other vampire. Once you have accepted the second optional quest in a safehouse, you’ll get a waypoint showing you exactly where the Underboss is located. From there, face off against whatever terrible horrors await you. You’ll need to successfully defeat an Underboss in order to obtain an Underboss skull. Players can then use these skulls to find lairs of Vampire Gods. As well as finding shrines scattered around the map that you can place Underboss skulls at for cosmetic items and more.
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Published: May 5, 2023 4:58 PM UTC