Booga Booga Reborn is a survival Roblox game that tasks every player with the difficult task of survival. You must gather resources, ward off other players, take part in tribes and explore the land if you want to live. The exploration is a key part of the game, and of all the places to go, the third floating island fills every player with curiosity, and it is no easy feat. Here is how to get to the third island in Booga Booga Reborn.
How to access the third island in Booga Booga Reborn
Climbing the other islands
To get to the third island, also known as the sun island, you will need to climb through the other two.
Getting to the first island is easy. From anywhere in the map, the rope connecting the island from the ground is super clear. This island can also be identified through the waterfall. Going up to the rope, and you’ll realize it is too high up. You must build a lookout tower or a ladder underneath it to climb up.

Make sure to stay on the rope and don’t move your camera around. When you are at the top, jump onto the cliff. Don’t go forward too much, you may attract vicious players. To get from the first island to the second, you must climb over the small mountainous ridge that separates you from the rope leading to the second island.

Carefully climb over the ridge and jump onto the rope. Once you do, keep walking forwards. You will soon make it to the second island in Booga Booga Reborn.
Related: How to cook food in Booga Booga Reborn
Defeating the Crystal Guardian
Now in the second island, you’ll need to perform the hard part. Equip your crystal pickaxe, or a stronger one, as you’ll need to defeat the Crystal Guardian that will zip around the island. Be wary of other players during this, as the boss only drops one spirit key, which will be needed to get to the third island.
If you don’t see the Crystal Guardian, it is because it was recently defeated, and will respawn within ten minutes.

Mine away at it – don’t worry, it is not hostile – and you will get yourself a spirit key.
Activating the crystal bridge
Once the boss has been defeated, look for what looks like a yellow pipe jutting from the ground. Dropping the spirit key near the yellow pipe will activate the crystal bridge, which will extend all the way to the third island. Walk across it and enjoy your new land!
You can find out the treasures of the island for yourself!
Keep an eye on Gamer Journalist for more gaming and Booga Booga Reborn content.
Published: Oct 13, 2022 10:47 am