So, you’ve gone through the effort of tracking down the secret boss in Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course and transformed the Broken Relic into the Cursed Relic. Now you have this wonky doodad that makes the game even harder. Why would you bother with such a thing? Well, I’ll tell you why: with a little gumption, you can turn that wonky doodad into a wondrous talisman. Here’s how to get the Divine Relic in Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course.
How to Get the Divine Relic in Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course
Real quick, here’s a step-by-step for getting the Cursed Relic in Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course (every step of which, by the way, we’ve got guides for):
When you’ve done all that, the Broken Relic becomes the Cursed Relic. When equipped, the Cursed Relic reduces your HP to 1 and randomly shuffles all of your weapons and Charm abilities. If that sounds horrible, it is, but if you can still manage to win fights with this silly thing equipped, you will be rewarded in the end.
As you win fights with the Cursed Relic equipped, you’ll notice the little eye symbol on the Charm equip screen gradually opening up and gaining little spike things. If you can get the eye opened all the way, the Cursed Relic will transform into the Divine Relic. The Divine Relic brings your health back to the usual 3 points, and while it still shuffles your weapons, instead of shuffling your Charms, it gives you all of their effects at once (sans the health-boosting ones like the Twin Heat).

To upgrade the Cursed Relic fully, you need to obtain a certain number of “points” from winning fights on Regular or Expert difficulty, 16 to be precise. Different fights have different point values, so while you can win a bunch of easier fights, harder fights give more points toward upgrading the relic. Here’s the point breakdown:
- Any fight from Inkwell Isle 1: 2 points
- Any fight from Inkwell Isle 2: 2.5 points
- Any fight from Inkwell Isle 3: 3 points
- Any fight from Inkwell Isle 4: 3 points
- King Dice: 1 point
- The Devil: 4 points
- Chef Saltbaker: 4 points
You don’t need to do different fights every time; if there’s one boss you’re really good at, you can just fight them over and over to get the points you need. Just remember that the Cursed Relic needs to be equipped. If you have a friend to play with you, only one of you needs to have the Cursed Relic equipped to gain points from the fight.
Published: Jul 5, 2022 11:15 am