I’m not going to lie to you, it only took me about a half hour-an hour to get used to the Beast. But getting all the tools I needed was enough to truly make me feel as safe as possible. I had set up a system to evade the Beast for as long as possible without never really having to use bullets for my Revolver. But once I had finally gotten used to the gameplay my entire world was turned upside down. I had never felt more cruel betrayal than when I went into the Roman Tunnels, stood over the torture pit and heard Beaufoy sing We Whirl the World. I will read weird poems recited by men who had lost their minds all day, but actually choosing to enter the pit and see the remains of the saboteurs that lost their minds was a big NOPE from me. Frictional Games even planted the Detonator under a spotlight to really dangle that bait in like a worm on a line and I was the fish. The is Vincent’s guide on how to get the Detonator in Amnesia: The Bunker. Be warned: the scary stuff begins here.
How to Get the Detonator in Amnesia: The Bunker
Everything in Amnesia: The Bunker up until the Roman Tunnels feels very much the same. Whilst you can play at your own pace, being either super stealthy or downright obnoxious with your movement and decisions (me), the Tunnels are an incredibly different vibe. It is the Dark Descent of The Bunker which forces you permanently into crouch mode as your vision is obscured and you can barely make out the threats inside. The real gameplay of the Tunnels begins once you drop down into the torture pit. Appropriately named as this would be mental torture for me playing because me and crouching in video games do not go hand-in-hand.
Quick note: you should go for the Detonator after getting the Dynamite Bundle from the Arsenal.
What to Use in the Roman Tunnels
In case you have not got into the Tunnels yet, you will need to go into the water via the Tunnel entrance, head to the other side and turn on the switch in this room. Then head back and start the Generator at the gate. The Roman Tunnel exploration requires the Bolt Cutters but you will not really have use for them after this so we recommend opening that bad boy up and then going back to Administrator’s Office to put away what you do not need. Now on what you do need: Bandages (Normal), Medkits (Hard), Grenade (trust me) and bullets for your Revolver. Note that I did not recommend the Lighter, Torch or even the Winding Flashlight as I did not rely on these whatsoever inside the torture pit. Of course, bring the Flashlight with you just in case, but when you are in the torture pit go in with your arms freed or if you are trigger happy like me – Frag Grenade in hand.
The torture pit is a breath of fresh air away from the Beast but the new terrors that await you is one that’ll make you miss the poor Beast. Crucial step that you cannot forget: make sure that the Generator is filled to the top! You may find that the time in the torture pit flies by and when you get out your are in the middle of a Blackout, having to try and make it back to the Central Bunker in one piece. Luckily there is a save at the Roman Tunnel entrance so be sure to use it after you get the Detonator just in case you die trying to make it to the exit. In my playthrough I had the Flashlight and Pocket Watch out at all times so that I could refer to how much time I was taking.
For the torture pit, we say turn your Gamma up. You will not need to rely on any other light source inside. The game truly turns into The Dark Descent for this section. This guide will tell you exactly where to go and what to do from the moment you drop into the pit.
The Route to the Detonator – Surviving or Killing Beaufoy
As soon as you drop, crouch the entire time. Luckily your noise here does not matter as much as the Beast and do not worry, the Beast cannot get you here. The horror and threats start the moment you drop down. The large room with boxes and pillars actually has creatures roaming in the darkness. Now, these are actually from what I can tell, hallucinations and I am sure that they cannot harm Henri but are there to terrify you. Head for the open door on the right-hand side of the big room.
Once you get past the door, there are two paths and the one on your right has Beaufoy there, waiting with a Shotgun in hand. You should peek the corner using the lean button or stand in the open, just slightly so that you see the red glean. Get back, wait for Beaufoy to fire and then run across. Your primary concern is Beaufoy here as he is real and he will kill you. You have two options here, you can either fight Beaufoy or find a cinder block to throw at the door at the end of the corridor. The cinder block is located in front of the locked door, behind the two crates stacked on each other (refer to screenshot below – arrow pointing at locked door, circle highlighting cinder block location). The best weapon to use again Beaufoy are Frag Grenades. You should lure a shot from him using the barrels around the corner.

I have beaten the torture pit by either throwing Frag Grenades at Beaufoy after he missed his shot on me or using the cinder block and throwing it at the door. If you kill him you can pick up his Shotgun. If you want to use stealth, you need to be approximately 1 metre away to break down the door with the cinder block. Beaufoy will hear you if you try stealth but once you get in this room, pick up the Detonator and go left. Unlock this door and head out. Hug the right wall in this room and follow it along until you find stairs. Go through and turn right. You will end up back at the big room with the pillars when you go through the door. Keep going forward and grab a small box on your way back to the torture pit entrance (where you dropped down). There is one right where the room opens out. Drag backwards whilst watching out for Beaufoy (if he’s still alive).

Bring to the box against the wall, jump up twice and then do a running jump to get to safety. Now you can freely run all the way back to the Roman Tunnel entrance, save here and head to the Central Bunker to finish the job. It is time for detonation.
Looking for more Amnesia: The Bunker guides? We have more available here. Alternatively, check out GJ related articles in the Horror section here. Thank you for reading this guide!
Published: Jun 6, 2023 01:33 pm