Two students making potions in Hogwarts Legacy.
Image via Avalanche Software

How to Get the ‘Beast Friends’ Achievement in Hogwarts Legacy

Follow these steps to attain this achievement!

Hogwarts Legacy is quickly proving itself to be a game that is here to stay among the gaming community for a while to come. With stellar graphics and an engaging plot, Avalanche Software’s new videogame based on the Wizard World of J.K. Rowling is quickly pulling in more fans every day. Players will attend Hogwarts as young witches and wizards where they will attend classes, explore the magical castle and ultimately get up to no good! It’s a good thing that you will learn about many of the spells in the world of Harry Potter, because this game comes with foes aplenty and they are not looking to give you any breathing room!

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One of the best parts about Hogwarts Legacy is the amount of side quests and missions that players can work on when they don’t wish to further the main storyline at the moment. With numerous collectibles and a lot of achievements out there, it can honestly be a daunting task to finish everything in the game. In this guide, we go into detail about how to get the ‘Beast Friends’ achievement.

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How Do You Unlock the ‘Beast Friends’ Achievement?

Image via Avalanche Software

To get this unique accomplishment in Hogwarts Legacy, there are a few things that you will need to do first. Although it may seem like it takes a while, this achievement will actually come naturally after you have worked on the storyline for a while. Without further ado, here is how you can get this achievement in Hogwarts Legacy.

  1. Firstly, you need to have completed the ‘Fire and Vice’ main quest to start.
  2. After that, finish ‘A Dragon Debrief’ which is the first quest with Poppy Sweeting.
  3. Complete Poppy’s second quest, ‘Poached Egg’.
  4. The next step in getting this achievement is the third quest, ‘The Poacher’s House Call’.
  5. To keep progressing, you’ll want to finish ‘Surprise Meeting’ next, which is the fourth quest.
  6. Your fifth quest in this mission is ‘the Centaur and the Stone’.
  7. Almost there! Poppy’s sixth quest is known as ‘It’s in the Stars’.
  8. Her seventh and second-to-last quest is ‘A Bird in the Hand’.
  9. To unlock this achievement and finish the Poppy Sweeting side questline, complete ‘Poppy Blooms’.

If you liked this article, be sure to read more on Hogwarts Legacy in our guides about how to find Celestial Wand Handle and how to defeat Ranrok. Feel free to visit the Facebook page of Gamer Journalist so that you don’t miss out on any of our other stories on the games you love!

Image of Sullivan Pearson
Sullivan Pearson
Sullivan is a longtime gamer with a special passion for MMORPG games and single-player classics. He is always looking for a new game to play, and loves to share his interests and expertise with the gaming world.